Sources PureBasic

Sources PureBasicConsultez toutes les sources
Nombre d'auteurs : 41, nombre de sources : 88, dernière mise à jour : 13 août 2011

Voici la présentation extraite du code.
L'archive contient également un exemple d'utilisation (une sorte de NotePad).
; Library: RichEdit.pbi
; Author: Thomas (ts-soft) Schulz
; Co-Author: Michael (neotoma) Taupitz
; Offcut: Stolen from: freak, danilo, srod, andreas and others
; from PB-Forums and CodeArchiv
; Date: July 18, 2011
; Version: 1.6
; Target Compiler: PureBasic 4.5+
; Target OS: Windows
; License: Free, unrestricted, no warranty whatsoever
; Use at your own risk
; Historie:
; Version 1.1, July 19, 2011
; added: Redo(), GetText()
; Version 1.2
; added: insertflag for LoadRTF(), LoadText()
; added: better Unicode-Support for LoadText(), SaveText()
; added: GetSelText(), FindText()
; changed: SetBackColor() for better compatibility with GadgetFunctions
; Version 1.3
; added: SetAlignment()
; Version 1.4, July 20, 2011
; added: SetLeftMargin(), SetRightMargin()
; Version 1.5
; added: GetFont(), GetFontSize(), GetFontStyle()
; Version 1.6, July 21, 2011 (neotoma)
; added: SelectAll(), Unselect(), Indent(), Outdent()
; added: ClearBackColor(), DisableRedraw(), IsTextSelected()
; added: GetZoom(), SetZoom(), CountWords(), GetRTFText()
; Version 1.7, July 25, 2011 (neotoma)
; added: GetTextBackColor(), SetTextBackColor(), ClearTextBackColor()
; added: ScrollToLine(), GetParagraphAlign(), GetLineSpacing()
; added: SetLineSpacing.(), IsModified(), SetModified(), IsLink()
; added: GetWordUnderCursor(), GetCurrentWord()
; added: Replace(), ReplaceAll(), SetBulleted(), GetLineCount()
; added: IsSuperscript(), SetSuperscript(), IsSubscript()
; added: SetSubscript(),ChangeFontSize(), LimitText()
; added: HideSelection(),SetUnderlineWave(),ClearUnderlineWave()
; added: Redraw(), GetTextLength(), GetTextColor()
; added: IsSmallCaps(), SetSmallCaps(),IsAllCaps(), SetAllCaps()
; added: CanPaste(), GetCursorPosition(), GetWordAtPosition()
; added: GetFirstVisibleLineNumber(), GetFirstVisibleLinePos()
; added: GetLastVisibleLineNumber(), GetLastVisibleLinePos()
; added: GetLastVisibleLineText(), GetCharPosOfPreviousWord()
; added: GetCharPosOfNextWord(), EmptyUndoBuffer()
; added: GetFirstCharPosOnLine(), GetLineLength()
; added: IsALignLeft(), IsAlignCenter(), IsAlignRight()