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Nombre d´outils : 1, dernière mise à jour : 10 décembre 2010

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Bibliothèques de Gnozal
Éditeur : Gnozal  ·  Version : Voir sur le site  ·  Date de mise à jour : 10 décembre 10   ·  Licence : Gratuit

Sur le site de Gnozal, vous trouverez également de nombreuses bibliothèques.

PureVALID : Check an executable integrity at runtime. (To use with PureUPX to protect your executables)
PureLPRINT : LPRINT like functions (direct access to printer)
PureSMTP : Send e-mails (with files attachements).Supports POP3 and SMTP AUTH authentication.
PurePOP3 : POP3 functions (get messages including attachments from POP3 server)
PureCOLOR : Coloring gadgets (text and back colors) and much more, like colored menus with icons
PureLVSORT : Sorting ListIcon gadgets (manually or after a LVN_COLUMNCLICK event)
PureRESIZE : Automatically resizing gadgets after a WM_SIZE event, monitoring windows
PureBriefLZ : Wrapper to the BriefLZ static library by Ibsen software (fast compression)
PureZIP : Provides ZIP and UNZIP functions (uses ZLIB static library)
PureFILE : Provides WinAPI based buffered file functions (faster than the PB3.94 ones, PB4.xx provided for old code compatibility)
Static Scintilla : Use scintilla without a DLL, supports CreateWindowEx() [PB3.94 et PB4.xx] and ScintillaGadget() [PB4.10+]
PureDIC : Provides associative array (dictionary) functions (based on GDSL)
PureCAB : The purpose of PureCAB is to handle CAB files [MS-Cabinet]. Uses CABINET.DLL [Compression] and/or SETUPAPI.DLL [Decompression]
PureLZMA : [1] Provides LZMA compress/uncompress functions (uses LZMA SDK) [2] and archiver functions (included PureLZMA-Packer library)

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