

Text$ = PeekS(*MemoryBuffer [, Length [, Format]])
Reads a string from the specified memory address.


*MemoryBuffer The address to read from.
Length (optional) The maximum number of characters to read. If this parameter is not specified or -1 is used then there is no maximum. The string is read until a terminating null-character is encountered or the maximum length is reached.
Format (optional) The string format to use when reading the string. This can be one of the following values:
  #PB_Ascii  : Reads the strings as ascii (default in ASCII mode).
  #PB_UTF8   : Reads the strings as UTF8
  #PB_Unicode: Reads the strings as unicode (default in unicode mode).
Combined with one of the following value:
  #PB_ByteLength: only valid when using the #PB_UTF8 flag, the 'Length' will represent bytes (not characters).
                  it can be useful as UTF8 have variable characters lengths.

Return value

Returns the read string.

See Also

PokeS(), MemoryStringLength(), CompareMemoryString(), CopyMemoryString()

Supported OS


<- PeekQ() - Memory Index - PeekU() ->