

Attributes = DirectoryEntryAttributes(#Directory)
Returns the attributes of the current entry in the directory being listed with ExamineDirectory() and NextDirectoryEntry() functions.


#Directory The directory examined with ExamineDirectory().

Return value

Returns the attributes of the current file.

On Windows, Attributes is a combination of the following values:
  #PB_FileSystem_Hidden    : File is hidden
  #PB_FileSystem_Archive   : File has been changed and not archived since the last time
  #PB_FileSystem_Compressed: File is compressed
  #PB_FileSystem_Normal    : Normal attributes
  #PB_FileSystem_ReadOnly  : File is in read-only mode
  #PB_FileSystem_System    : File is a system file
On Linux or MacOSX, Attributes is a combination of these values:
  #PB_FileSystem_Link      : The file is a symbolic link
  #PB_FileSystem_ReadUser  : Access flags for the owning user
  #PB_FileSystem_ReadGroup : Access flags for the owning user's group
  #PB_FileSystem_ReadAll   : Access flags for all other users


To check if one attribute is actually set, just use the '&' (binary AND) and the attribute constant value:
  FileAttributes = DirectoryEntryAttributes(#Directory)
  If FileAttributes & #PB_FileSystem_Hidden
    Debug "This file is hidden !"

See Also

ExamineDirectory(), NextDirectoryEntry(), DirectoryEntryType(), DirectoryEntryName(), DirectoryEntrySize(), DirectoryEntryDate()

Supported OS


<- DeleteFile() - FileSystem Index - DirectoryEntryDate() ->