

Result.f = GetVehicleAttribute(#Entity, Attribute, Wheel)
Get the specified attribute of the given vehicle entity.


#Entity The vehicle entity to use.
Attribute The attribute to get. The following attributes are available:
  #PB_Vehicle_Friction: get the wheel friction value (see CreateVehicleBody() for more info).
  #PB_Vehicle_MaxSuspensionForce: get the wheel maximum suspension force value (see CreateVehicleBody() for more info).
  #PB_Vehicle_MaxSuspensionCompression: get the wheel maximum suspension compression value (see CreateVehicleBody() for more info).
  #PB_Vehicle_MaxSuspensionLength: get the maximum length of the suspension (meters).
  #PB_Vehicle_WheelDampingCompression: get the wheel damping compression value.
  #PB_Vehicle_WheelDampingRelaxation: get the wheel damping relaxation value.
  #PB_Vehicle_RollInfluence: get the wheel roll influence value (see AddVehicleWheel() for more info).
Wheel The wheel index, starting from 0.

Return value

Returns the value of the specified attribute or 0 if the vehicle does not support the attribute.

See Also


Supported OS


<- CreateVehicleBody() - Vehicle Index - SetVehicleAttribute() ->