UserGuide - Dynamic numbering of windows and gadgets using #PB_Any
If you’ve looked at the help articles for the OpenWindow command or for any of the gadget creation commands (for example ButtonGadget()) or if you have experimented with the Form Designer tool, you may have noticed references to a special constant called #PB_Any. In this article we’re going to look into this a little further to find out why its so important.In the Enumerations section, note that there are only enumerations for the menu items. These will be shared on all the windows – although each window will have its own menu bar.Finally, note that a map isn’t the only way to achieve this effect, a List or an Array could be used to do the job too, if you prefer, although the code to implement these alternatives would need to be slightly different to that presented here because of the differences in the way those collections work.
In the Structures section, note that the POLYGONWINDOW structure contains four integer values and so provides a place to store references for a menu bar, a label, a combo box and an image plot.
In the Variables section note that in addition to the usual variables to receive event details, a map called ActiveWindows is created using the POLYGONWINDOW structure previously defined.
Look at the CreatePolygonWindow procedure.
When we create the window we capture the result of the OpenWindow() function in a variable called ThisWindow. We then convert this to a string value and use this as the key for a new map entry.
When we then create the menu, label, combo and image gadgets on the new window the references returned by these functions are stored in the map too.
Look at the ResizePolygonWindow procedure.
Notice how the value of EventWindow is passed in from the event loop into this procedure. This value is then used to retrieve child control references from the map and these references are then used to resize the gadgets.
Look at the DestroyPolygonWindow procedure.
Here the child control references are removed from the map when a window is closed. If the map size reaches zero – there are no more open windows and DestroyPolygonWindow sets an event flag to tell the program to end.
Start the program up.
- Use the New Window menu item to open up two or three new polygon windows.
- Use the combo box in each one to select a different shape – notice that each window works independently of all the others.
- Resize some of the windows – notice that they can all be resized independently of each other and that the polygon resizes with the window too.
; Compiler Directives EnableExplicit ; Constants CompilerIf Defined(Blue, #PB_Constant) = #False #Blue = 16711680 #Gray = 8421504 #White = 16777215 CompilerEndIf ;- Enumerations ; The menu commands will be the same on all the windows. Enumeration #MenuNew #MenuClose EndEnumeration ;- Structures ; This structure will hold references to the unique elements of a window. Structure POLYGONWINDOW Menu.i LabelSides.i ComboSides.i ImagePlot.i EndStructure ;- Variables ; This map uses the previously defined structure to hold references for all the open windows. NewMap ActiveWindows.POLYGONWINDOW() ; Event variables. Define.i Event, EventWindow, EventGadget, EventType, EventMenu, EventQuit Define.s EventWindowKey ; Implementation. Procedure.i CreatePolygonWindow() ; Creates a new window and gadgets, adding it and its child gadgets to the tracking map. Shared ActiveWindows() Protected.i ThisWindow Protected.s ThisKey ThisWindow = OpenWindow(#PB_Any, 50, 50, 300, 300, "Polygon", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_SizeGadget | #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget | #PB_Window_TitleBar) WindowBounds(ThisWindow, 250, 250, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore) If ThisWindow ; Maps take a string value as key so convert the integer ThisWindow to a string. ThisKey = StrU(ThisWindow) ; Add a map element to hold the new gadget references. AddMapElement(ActiveWindows(), ThisKey) ; Create the menu bar. ActiveWindows(ThisKey)\Menu = CreateMenu(#PB_Any, WindowID(ThisWindow)) MenuTitle("Window") MenuItem(#MenuNew, "New Window") MenuItem(#MenuClose, "Close Window") ; Create the child gadgets and store their references in the map. With ActiveWindows() ; A label for the combo. \LabelSides = TextGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 5, 150, 20, "Number of Sides:") ; The Sides combo. \ComboSides = ComboBoxGadget(#PB_Any, 160, 5, 100, 25) AddGadgetItem(\ComboSides, 0, "Triangle") AddGadgetItem(\ComboSides, 1, "Diamond") AddGadgetItem(\ComboSides, 2, "Pentagon") AddGadgetItem(\ComboSides, 3, "Hexagon") AddGadgetItem(\ComboSides, 4, "Heptagon") AddGadgetItem(\ComboSides, 5, "Octagon") AddGadgetItem(\ComboSides, 6, "Nonagon") AddGadgetItem(\ComboSides, 7, "Decagon") ; Select Triangle. SetGadgetState(\ComboSides, 0) ; The visual image gadget on the window. \ImagePlot = ImageGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 35, 290, 240, 0, #PB_Image_Border) EndWith EndIf ; Return the reference to the new window. ProcedureReturn ThisWindow EndProcedure Procedure DestroyPolygonWindow(Window.i) ; Remove Window from the ActiveWindows map, close the window and set the quit flag, if appropriate. Shared EventQuit, ActiveWindows() Protected.s ThisKey ; Convert the integer Window to a string. ThisKey = StrU(Window) ; Delete the map entry. DeleteMapElement(ActiveWindows(), ThisKey) ; Close the window. CloseWindow(Window) ; Check if there are still open windows. If MapSize(ActiveWindows()) = 0 EventQuit = #True EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.i ResizePolygonWindow(Window.i) ; Resize the child gadgets on Window. ; In practice only the ImageGadget needs to be resized in this example. Shared ActiveWindows() Protected.i ThisImage Protected.i X, Y, W, H Protected.s ThisKey ; Obtain references to the affected gadgets from the map. ThisKey = StrU(Window) ThisImage = ActiveWindows(ThisKey)\ImagePlot ; Resize gadgets. W = WindowWidth(Window) - 15 H = WindowHeight(Window) - 70 ResizeGadget(ThisImage, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, W, H) EndProcedure Procedure PlotPolygon(Window.i) ; Draw the polygon image and transfer it to the image gadget. Shared ActiveWindows() Protected.f Radius, OriginX, OriginY, StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY Protected.i Sides, Vertex, Width, Height, ThisCombo, ThisImage, ThisPlot Protected.s ThisKey ; Check if the event is for the right window. If Not IsWindow(Window) : ProcedureReturn : EndIf ; Obtain references to the affected gadgets from the map. ThisKey = StrU(Window) ThisCombo = ActiveWindows(ThisKey)\ComboSides ThisImage = ActiveWindows(ThisKey)\ImagePlot ; Calculate dimensions and origin. Sides = GetGadgetState(ThisCombo) + 3 Width = GadgetWidth(ThisImage) - 4 Height = GadgetHeight(ThisImage) - 4 OriginX = Width/2 OriginY = Height/2 If Width < Height Radius = OriginX - 50 Else Radius = OriginY - 50 EndIf ; Create a new image. ThisPlot = CreateImage(#PB_Any, Width, Height) StartDrawing(ImageOutput(ThisPlot)) ; Draw a white background. Box(0, 0, Width, Height, #White) ; Draw a gray circumscribing circle. Circle(OriginX, OriginY, Radius, #Gray) ; Draw the polygon. For Vertex = 0 To Sides ; Calculate side start point. StartX = OriginX + (Radius * Cos(2 * #PI * Vertex/Sides)) StartY = OriginY + (Radius * Sin(2 * #PI * Vertex/Sides)) ; and end point. EndX = OriginX + (Radius * Cos(2 * #PI * (Vertex + 1)/Sides)) EndY = OriginY + (Radius * Sin(2 * #PI * (Vertex + 1)/Sides)) ; Draw the side in blue. LineXY(StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY, #Blue) Next Vertex ; Fill the polygon in blue FillArea(OriginX, OriginY, #Blue, #Blue) StopDrawing() ; Transfer the image contents to the visible gadget. SetGadgetState(ThisImage, ImageID(ThisPlot)) ; Destroy the temporary image. FreeImage(ThisPlot) EndProcedure ;- Main ; Create the first window. EventWindow = CreatePolygonWindow() ResizePolygonWindow(EventWindow) PlotPolygon(EventWindow) ;- Event loop Repeat Event = WaitWindowEvent() EventWindow = EventWindow() EventWindowKey = StrU(EventWindow) EventGadget = EventGadget() EventType = EventType() EventMenu = EventMenu() Select Event Case #PB_Event_Gadget ; A gadget event has occurred. If EventGadget = ActiveWindows(EventWindowKey)\LabelSides ; Do nothing. ElseIf EventGadget = ActiveWindows(EventWindowKey)\ComboSides ; If the combo box changes, redraw the image. PlotPolygon(EventWindow) ; Update the windows title to reflect the new shape. SetWindowTitle(EventWindow, GetGadgetText(ActiveWindows(EventWindowKey)\ComboSides)) ElseIf EventGadget = ActiveWindows(EventWindowKey)\ImagePlot ; Do nothing. EndIf Case #PB_Event_Menu ; A menu event has occurred. If EventMenu = #MenuNew EventWindow = CreatePolygonWindow() ResizePolygonWindow(EventWindow) PlotPolygon(EventWindow) ElseIf EventMenu = #MenuClose DestroyPolygonWindow(EventWindow) EndIf Case #PB_Event_Repaint ; A window's content has been invalidated. PlotPolygon(EventWindow) Case #PB_Event_SizeWindow ; A window has been resized. ResizePolygonWindow(EventWindow) PlotPolygon(EventWindow) Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow ; A window has been closed. DestroyPolygonWindow(EventWindow) EndSelect Until EventQuit = #True
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