Result = CreateMesh(#Mesh [, Type [, Mode])Description
Creates a new empty #Mesh. After creation the further commands of this library like MeshVertexPosition() or MeshFace() can be used, to build it.
#Mesh The number to identify the new mesh. #PB_Any can be used to auto-generate this number. Type (optional) The type of the new mesh. It can be one of the following value: #PB_Mesh_TriangleList : the mesh will be composed of a list of triangles (default). #PB_Mesh_TriangleStrip: the mesh will be composed of a list of connected triangles (vertices are shared). #PB_Mesh_TriangleFan : the mesh will be composed of a list of triangles sharing the same central vertex point. #PB_Mesh_PointList : the mesh will be composed of a list of points. #PB_Mesh_LineList : the mesh will be composed of a list of lines. #PB_Mesh_LineStrip : the mesh will be composed of a list of connected lines (vertices are shared).Mode (optional) The mode of the new mesh. It can be one of the following value: #PB_Mesh_Static : once created, the mesh can't be modified anymore with the mesh update functions (default). #PB_Mesh_Dynamic: once created, the mesh can be modified with the mesh update functions.
Return value
Returns nonzero if the mesh was created successfully and zero if there was an error. If #PB_Any was used as the #Mesh parameter then the new generated number is returned on success.
If the #Mesh was already created, then it is freed and replaced by a new one.
Supported OS