Result = JSONType(JSONValue)Description
Returns the type of the given JSON value.
JSONValue The JSON value.
Return value
It can be one of the following:
#PB_JSON_NullThe value represents the JSON literal null.#PB_JSON_StringThe value contains a string. GetJSONString() can be used to read the string.#PB_JSON_NumberThe value contains a number. GetJSONDouble(), GetJSONFloat(), GetJSONInteger() or GetJSONQuad() can be used to read the number.#PB_JSON_BooleanThe value contains a boolean. GetJSONBoolean() can be used to read the value.#PB_JSON_ArrayThe value contains an array of JSON elements. JSONArraySize() returns the size of the array. GetJSONElement() can be used to get a specific array element. AddJSONElement(), RemoveJSONElement(), ResizeJSONElements() or ClearJSONElements() can be used to modify the array.#PB_JSON_ObjectThe value contains an object (a set of key/value pairs). JSONObjectSize() returns the number of menbers in the object. GetJSONMember() returns a specific member value. ExamineJSONMembers() can be used to examine the member values. AddJSONMember(), RemoveJSONMember() or ClearJSONMembers() can be used to modify the object.
; A procedure that accepts any JSON value and returns a string ; Procedure.s GetAnyValue(Value) Select JSONType(Value) Case #PB_JSON_Null: ProcedureReturn "null" Case #PB_JSON_String: ProcedureReturn GetJSONString(Value) Case #PB_JSON_Number: ProcedureReturn StrD(GetJSONDouble(Value)) Case #PB_JSON_Boolean: ProcedureReturn Str(GetJSONBoolean(Value)) Case #PB_JSON_Array: ProcedureReturn "array" Case #PB_JSON_Object: ProcedureReturn "object" EndSelect EndProcedure ParseJSON(0, "[1, 2, true, null, " + Chr(34) + "hello" + Chr(34) + "]") For i = 0 To JSONArraySize(JSONValue(0)) - 1 Debug GetAnyValue(GetJSONElement(JSONValue(0), i)) Next i
See Also
JSONValue(), SetJSONArray(), SetJSONBoolean(), SetJSONDouble(), SetJSONFloat(), SetJSONInteger(), SetJSONNull(), SetJSONObject(), SetJSONString(), SetJSONQuad()
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