

Result = GetEntityAttribute(#Entity, Attribute)
Get the specified attribute of the given entity.


#Entity The entity to use.
Attribute The attribute to get. The following attributes are available:
  #PB_Entity_Friction        : Get the friction value.
  #PB_Entity_Restitution     : Get the restitution value.
  #PB_Entity_LinearVelocity  : Get the current linear velocity (all axis).
  #PB_Entity_LinearVelocityX : Get the current linear velocity on 'x' axis.
  #PB_Entity_LinearVelocityY : Get the current linear velocity on 'y' axis.
  #PB_Entity_LinearVelocityZ : Get the current linear velocity on 'z' axis.
  #PB_Entity_MassCenterX     : Get the mass center 'x' position.
  #PB_Entity_MassCenterY     : Get the mass center 'y' position.
  #PB_Entity_MassCenterZ     : Get the mass center 'z' position.
  #PB_Entity_NbSubEntities   : Get the number of sub-entities.
  #PB_Entity_LinearSleeping  : Get the minimum linear velocity value under which the entity will be sleeping.
  #PB_Entity_AngularSleeping : Get the minimum angular velocity value under which the entity will be sleeping.
  #PB_Entity_DeactivationTime: Get the time to wait (in milliseconds) before putting the entity in sleep mode when the above conditions are met.
  #PB_Entity_IsActive        : Get if an entity body is active (not sleeping).
  #PB_Entity_AngularVelocityX: Get the current angular velocity on 'x' axis.
  #PB_Entity_AngularVelocityY: Get the current angular velocity on 'y' axis.
  #PB_Entity_AngularVelocityZ: Get the current angular velocity on 'z' axis.
  #PB_Entity_AngularVelocity : Get the current angular velocity (all axis).
  #PB_Entity_HasContactResponse: Check if the entity body has contacts.
  #PB_Entity_ScaleX          : Get the current entity scale on 'x' axis.
  #PB_Entity_ScaleY          : Get the current entity scale on 'y' axis.
  #PB_Entity_ScaleZ          : Get the current entity scale on 'z' axis.

Return value

Returns the value of the specified attribute or 0 if the entity does not support the attribute.

See Also


Supported OS


<- FreeEntityJoints() - Entity Index - GetEntityCollisionGroup() ->