String$ = Inkey()Description
Returns a character string if a key is pressed during the call of Inkey(). It doesn't interrupt (halt) the program flow. If special keys (non-ASCII) have to be handled, RawKey() should be called after Inkey().
Return value
Returns a string containing the pressed character if it is a non-special key, and an empty string otherwise.
If OpenConsole() PrintN("Press Escape to exit") Repeat KeyPressed$ = Inkey() If KeyPressed$ <> "" PrintN("You pressed: " + KeyPressed$) PrintN("It has a raw code of: "+Str(RawKey())) ElseIf RawKey() PrintN("You pressed a non ASCII key.") PrintN("It has a raw code of: "+Str(RawKey())) Else Delay(20) ; Don't eat all the CPU time, we're on a multitask OS EndIf Until KeyPressed$ = Chr(27) ; Wait until escape is pressed EndIf
The ASCII codes and numeric values reported in this description may change depending on the code page you have configured at boot time for keyboard input. However, the concepts should be the same and you can use the above example to figure out the real values for your system.
A table with ASCII codes is available here.
See Also
RawKey(), Input()
Supported OS