

CreateLensFlareEffect(#Effect, CameraID, NodeID, BurstSize, HaloSize, HaloMaterialID, CircleMaterialID, BurstMaterialID)
Create a new lensflare effect for the given camera. A lensflare is always attached to a node, and will be displayed automatically depending of the node position relative to the camera view.


#Effect The number to identify the new effect. #PB_Any can be used to auto-generate this number.
CameraID The camera to apply the lensflare. It will only affect this camera. To get a valid 'CameraID', use CameraID().
NodeID The parent node to handle the lensflare. To get a valid 'NodeID', use NodeID().
BurstSize The size of the burst, in world unit.
HaloSize The size of the halo, in world unit.
HaloMaterialID The halo material. To get a valid material ID, use MaterialID().
CircleMaterialID The circle material. To get a valid material ID, use MaterialID().
BurstMaterialID The burst material. To get a valid material ID, use MaterialID().

Return value

Returns nonzero if the lensflare effect was created successfully and zero if there was an error. If #PB_Any was used as the #Effect parameter then the new generated number is returned on success.

See Also

FreeEffect(), LensFlareEffectColor()

Supported OS


<- CreateCompositorEffect() - SpecialEffect Index - CreateRibbonEffect() ->