

Result$ = ReadProgramError(Program [, Flags])
Reads a line from the specified programs error output (stderr). Unlike ReadProgramData(), this function doesn't halt the program flow if no error output is available.


Program The program to use. It must have been started before with RunProgram() and the #PB_Program_Error flag.
Flags (optional) The string format to use when reading the error output. The default format can be affected with the #PB_Program_Ascii, #PB_Program_Unicode and #PB_Program_UTF8 flags for RunProgram(). This can be one of the following values:
  #PB_Ascii  : Reads the error output as ascii (default in ASCII mode)
  #PB_UTF8   : Reads the error output as UTF8  (default in unicode mode)
  #PB_Unicode: Reads the error output as unicode

Return value

The error string, or an empty string if there is no error output.

Supported OS


<- ReadProgramData() - Process Index - ReadProgramString() ->