Result = SendMail(#Mail, Smtp$ [, Port [, Flags [, User$, Password$]]])Description
Send the specified mail.
The mail to send. Smtp$ The address of the mail server to use for sending the mail. Port (optional) The port of the mail server. The default is port 25. Flags (optional) It can be a combination of the following values: #PB_Mail_Asynchronous: sends the mail in the background. MailProgress() can be used to follow the progress. #PB_Mail_UseSSL : uses TLS/SSL to send the mail (the server needs to support this protocol).User$, Password$ (optional) The user and password used for SMTP authentication, if the server requires it.
Return value
Returns nonzero if the mail was sent correctly and zero otherwise.
Example: Simple SMTP
InitNetwork() ; Note: change the address and smtp to have a working example ; If CreateMail(0, "", "Hello") AddMailRecipient(0, "", #PB_Mail_To) Debug SendMail(0, "") EndIf
Example: Using GMail (TLS)
InitNetwork() ; Be sure to use the right login and right password ; Login$ = "yourlogin" If CreateMail(0, Login$ + "", "Hello") AddMailRecipient(0, "", #PB_Mail_To) Debug SendMail(0, "", 587, #PB_Mail_UseSSL, Login$, "password") EndIf
See Also
CreateMail(), MailProgress()
Supported OS