

Result = StringGadget(#Gadget, x, y, Width, Height, Content$ [, Flags])
Creates a String gadget in the current GadgetList. It allows the user to enter a single line of text.


#Gadget A number to identify the new gadget. #PB_Any can be used to auto-generate this number.
x, y, Width, Height The position and dimensions of the new gadget.
Content$ The initial content of this StringGadget. This gadget accepts only one line of text. To get multi-line input, use the EditorGadget() function.
Flags (optional) Flags to modify the gadget behavior. It can be a combination of the following values:
  #PB_String_Numeric    : Only (positive) integer numbers are accepted.
  #PB_String_Password   : Password mode, displaying only '*' instead of normal characters.
  #PB_String_ReadOnly   : Read-only mode. No text can be entered.
  #PB_String_LowerCase  : All characters are converted to lower case automatically.
  #PB_String_UpperCase  : All characters are converted to upper case automatically.
  #PB_String_BorderLess : No borders are drawn around the gadget.

Return value

Returns nonzero on success and zero on failure. If #PB_Any was used as the #Gadget parameter then the return-value is the auto-generated gadget number on success.


Later the content can be changed with SetGadgetText() and received with GetGadgetText().

The following events are supported through EventType():
  #PB_EventType_Change    : The text has been modified by the user.
  #PB_EventType_Focus     : The StringGadget got the focus.
  #PB_EventType_LostFocus : The StringGadget lost the focus.
The following functions can be used to act on this gadget:

- SetGadgetColor() and GetGadgetColor() functions with the following values as 'ColorType':
  #PB_Gadget_FrontColor: Textcolor
  #PB_Gadget_BackColor : Backgroundcolor
- GetGadgetAttribute() with the following attribute:
  #PB_String_MaximumLength: Returns the maximum number of characters which can be entered.
- SetGadgetAttribute() with the following attribute:
  #PB_String_MaximumLength: Set the maximum number of characters which can be entered.
A 'mini help' can be added to this gadget using GadgetToolTip().


  ; Shows possible flags of StringGadget in action...
  If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 322, 205, "StringGadget Flags", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
    StringGadget(0, 8,  10, 306, 20, "Normal StringGadget...")
    StringGadget(1, 8,  35, 306, 20, "1234567", #PB_String_Numeric)
    StringGadget(2, 8,  60, 306, 20, "Read-only StringGadget", #PB_String_ReadOnly)
    StringGadget(3, 8,  85, 306, 20, "lowercase...", #PB_String_LowerCase)
    StringGadget(4, 8, 110, 306, 20, "uppercase...", #PB_String_UpperCase)
    StringGadget(5, 8, 140, 306, 20, "Borderless StringGadget", #PB_String_BorderLess)
    StringGadget(6, 8, 170, 306, 20, "Password", #PB_String_Password)
    Repeat : Until WaitWindowEvent() = #PB_Event_CloseWindow

See Also

GetGadgetText(), SetGadgetText(), GetGadgetColor(), SetGadgetColor(), EditorGadget()

Supported OS


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