FileSeek(#File, NewPosition.q [, Mode])Description
Change the read/write pointer position in the file.
#File The file to use. NewPosition.q The new position relative to the beginning of the file in bytes. Mode (optional) The seek mode. It can be one of the following values: #PB_Absolute: the 'NewPosition' parameter will be an absolute position with the file (default). #PB_Relative: the 'NewPosition' parameter will be an offset (positive or negative) relative to the current file pointer position.
Return value
file$ = OpenFileRequester("Select a file","","Text (.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*",0) If file$ If ReadFile(0, file$) length = Lof(0) ; read length of file FileSeek(0, length - 10) ; set the file pointer 10 chars from end of file Debug "Position: " + Str(Loc(0)) ; show actual file pointer position *MemoryID = AllocateMemory(10) ; allocate the needed memory for 10 bytes If *MemoryID bytes = ReadData(0, *MemoryID, 10) ; read this last 10 chars in the file Debug PeekS(*MemoryID) EndIf CloseFile(0) EndIf EndIf
See Also
Loc(), Lof()
Supported OS