

Result = DatabaseUpdate(#Database, Request$)
Executes a modification query on the given database. This command doesn't return any record. To perform a 'SELECT' like query, use DatabaseQuery().


#Database The database to use.
Request$ The query to execute.

Return value

Returns nonzero if the query was successful or zero if it failed (due to a SQL error or a badly-formatted query).


This function is similar to DatabaseQuery() but is independent from the NextDatabaseRow() function. Therefore it's not possible to do a 'SELECT' like query with this function. This function is useful for updating records in the database. In the event of an error, the error text can be retrieved with DatabaseError().

The update request can contain place holders for bind variables. Such variables must be set before calling the function using SetDatabaseString(), SetDatabaseLong() etc. After executing the update, the bound variables are cleared and have to be set again for future calls. The syntax for specifying bind variables in SQL is dependent on the database. The example below demonstrate the syntax.


  ; First, connect to a database with an employee table
  If DatabaseQuery(#Database, "SELECT * FROM employee") ; Get all the records in the 'employee' table
    While NextDatabaseRow(#Database) ; Loop for each records
      ; Update the 'checked' field for each records, assuming the 'id' field is 
      ; the first one in the 'employee' table
      DatabaseUpdate(#Database, "UPDATE employee SET checked=1 WHERE id="+GetDatabaseString(#Database, 0)) 

Example: Bind variables with SQLite and ODBC

  ; SQLite and ODBC shares the same syntax for bind variables. It is indicated by the '?' character
  SetDatabaseLong(0, 0, 1)
  SetDatabaseString(0, 1, "test")
  DatabaseUpdate(0, "UPDATE employee SET checked=? WHERE id=?")

Example: PostgreSQL

  ; PostgreSQL uses another syntax: $1, $2.. into the statement to indicate the undefined parameter
  SetDatabaseLong(0, 0, 1)
  SetDatabaseString(0, 1, "test")
  DatabaseUpdate(0, "UPDATE employee SET checked=$1 WHERE id=$2")

See Also

DatabaseQuery() SetDatabaseString(), SetDatabaseLong(), SetDatabaseQuad(), SetDatabaseFloat(), SetDatabaseDouble() SetDatabaseBlob(), SetDatabaseNull()

Supported OS


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