; ------------------------------------------------------------
;   PureBasic - Font example file
;    (c) Fantaisie Software
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; NOTE: This file doesn't compile with the demo version !

LoadFont (0, "Courier", 15)            ; Load Courrier Font, Size 15
LoadFont (1, "Arial", 30)              ; Load Arial Font, Size 30

If OpenWindow(0, 100, 200, 460, 148, "Font Test") = 0
  MessageRequester("Error", "Can't open Window", 0)

If CreateImage(0, 450, 130)

  If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0))           ;
    Box(0, 0, 450, 130, RGB(255, 255, 255)) ; White background
    DrawingMode(1)                          ; Transparent TextBackground
    DrawingFont(FontID(0))                 ; Use the 'Courier' font
    DrawText(10,10, "Font: Courier - Size: 15 - Red", RGB(255, 0, 0))    ; Print our text
    DrawingFont(FontID(1))                 ; Use the Arial font
    DrawText(10,40, "Font: Arial - Size: 30", RGB(0, 0, 0))      ; Print our text

    StopDrawing()                          ; This is absolutely needed when the drawing operations are 
  EndIf                                    ; finished !!! Never forget it !


; Display the image on the window
ImageGadget(0, 5, 10, 450, 130, ImageID(0))

; This is the 'event loop'. All the user actions are processed here.
; It's very easy to understand: when an action occurs, the Event
; isn't 0 and we just have to see what have happened...

  Event = WaitWindowEvent()
Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow    ; If the user has pressed on the close button

End                                      ; All the opened windows are closed automatically by PureBasic