Releasing SpiderBasic was a big work and proved to be useful for some companies, so I don't think it was a waste of time
. It will indeed maturate with time and become more and more appealing. Remember of PureBasic 2.00 ? If not, just download it from the museum section of your online account and see what I mean ! Also keep in mind than IDE and compiler are very close between PB and SB, so when working on one side, it often benefit in other side. For example, we are now toying with a LLVM backend for PB which is much easier to do, thanks to the JS pipeline which is more highlevel than raw ASM one. It won't be in the 5.40 version, but it should be ready one day or another 
Back on PureBasic: yes we are hard at work to ship the new release (which will be an LTS one - yes it's 2 years already). We except it to be out for a beta in august and final in september. It already has a quite big list of new stuffs !

Back on PureBasic: yes we are hard at work to ship the new release (which will be an LTS one - yes it's 2 years already). We except it to be out for a beta in august and final in september. It already has a quite big list of new stuffs !
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