Avec PureBasic il est possible d'insérer du code assembleur dans le source, avec SpiderBasic il est possible d'insérer du JavaScript, exemple :.
Code : | Sélectionner tout |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | Procedure DesktopWidth() ; ; Returns the width of the browser area ; !var width; !require(["dojo/window"], function(win){ ! width = win.getBox().w; !}); !return width; EndProcedure |
Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur le site dédié à ce langage : http://www.spiderbasic.com
Pour ceux qui n'ont pas de licence PureBasic, une version démo est disponible sur le site (limité à 800 lignes de code, ce qui est suffisant pour se faire une bonne idée du produit).
Vous pouvez poser vos questions, suggestions et rapports de bogues sur le forum officiel : http://forums.spiderbasic.com
Durant les versions beta, j'avais posté quelques infos que vous trouverez ici.
Hi there,
We are very happy to announce the first final release of SpiderBasic, after a very long development time ! It was quite a journey to create a new product which seems like PureBasic, but which is really a different thing. So far, it's only a 1.00, so don't expect to have a feature complete or bug free product, but it's a start. When I rememeber the shape of PureBasic 1.00, I can tell you than SpiderBasic 1.00 is in a totally different league
The development took a longer time, so we extended the free access for PureBasic users to SpiderBasic until 1st july 2015 (on your PureBasic online account).
Check out the brand new website: http://www.spiderbasic.com
and be sure to use the forums to report anything wierd (including on the website and demo packages), so it can be improved quickly: http://forums.spiderbasic.com
Have fun and enjoy some web development !
The Fantaisie Software Team
We are very happy to announce the first final release of SpiderBasic, after a very long development time ! It was quite a journey to create a new product which seems like PureBasic, but which is really a different thing. So far, it's only a 1.00, so don't expect to have a feature complete or bug free product, but it's a start. When I rememeber the shape of PureBasic 1.00, I can tell you than SpiderBasic 1.00 is in a totally different league

The development took a longer time, so we extended the free access for PureBasic users to SpiderBasic until 1st july 2015 (on your PureBasic online account).
Check out the brand new website: http://www.spiderbasic.com
and be sure to use the forums to report anything wierd (including on the website and demo packages), so it can be improved quickly: http://forums.spiderbasic.com
Have fun and enjoy some web development !

The Fantaisie Software Team
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