Pour résumer les changements :
* Le compilateur a un nouveau mot clé "Threaded" pour créer des variables locales dans un thread, et deux nouveaux types de variables '.a' et '.u' pour les byte/word non signés.
* La bibliothèque 'Map' pour créer et utiliser facilement des tables de hachage.
* La bibliothèque '2DDrawing' entièrement réécrite , par exemple la fonction plot est nettement plus rapide, ajout de l'alpha-channel et support des gradients pour les images.
* Et finalement l'EDI a une meilleure gestion de l'auto complétion (notamment des structures) et comporte une gestion des projets.
* Et une nouvelle version pour linux x64 voit le jour.
Pour mieux comprendre les nouveautés et changement, vous trouverez une archive qui comporte quelques exemples :
Voici la liste complète des changements et nouveautés :
- Added: Linux x64
- Added: Map Library for hash tables
- Added: 'Threaded' Keyword for thread-local variables
- Added: Structure assignment copies the structure (a.point = b.point)
- Added: ClearStructure(*Pointer, Structure)
- Added: AES to cipher library: AESEncoder(), AESDecoder(), StartAESCipher(), AddCipherBuffer(), FinishCipher()
- Added: Dylib for OS X
- Added: Trim/LTrim/RTrim() got an optional character to trim
- Added: Added #PB_Function, #PB_OSFunction, #PB_Map to Defined()
- Added: ReverseString(String$), InsertString(String$, StringToInsert$, Position), RemoveString(String$, RemoveString$ [, Mode [, StartPosition [, NbOccurences]]])
- Added: Add blob support to databases
- Added: Added peephole optimizer to 64 bit versions to produce better code
- Added: '.a' (ascii) and '.u' (unicode) native type to provide native unsigned byte and word.
- Added: FileBuffersSize(#PB_Default, ...): #PB_Default support change the buffersize to the next opened files
- Added: #PB_URL_Protocol to Get/SetURLPart()
- Added: #PB_Shadow_TextureAdditive
- Added: FTPDirectoryEntryRaw(), FillMemory(Memory, Value, Size [, Type])
- Added: Global, Protected, Threaded, Shared and Static now accept a type to affect all default variable declaration.
- Added: AddWindowTimer(), RemoveWindowTimer(), #PB_Event_Timer, EventTimer()
- Added: #PB_Window_Tool - create tool windows
- Added: StatusBarProgress()
- Added: StatusBarImage() - now supports normal images (not just icons)
- Added: #PB_Checkbox_ThreeState flag to create a 3 state checkbox (state values: #PB_CheckBox_Checked, #PB_CheckBox_Unchecked, #PB_CheckBox_Inbetween)
- Added: ShortcutGadget()
- Added: CreateImageMenu(), CreatePopupImageMenu() for OSX
- Added: Full alphachannel support for all GUI elements that display images
- Added: Full alphachannel support for Image lib
- Added: New drawing modes for 2DDrawing in ImageOutput()
- #PB_2DDrawing_AlphaBlend
- #PB_2DDrawing_AlphaClip
- #PB_2DDrawing_AlphaChannel
- #PB_2DDrawing_Gradient
- Added: LinearGradient(), BoxedGradient(), CircularGradient(), EllipsicalGradient(), ConicalGradient(),
- Added: GradientColor(), ResetGradientColors()
- Added: DrawAlphaImage() for all outputs on all OS
- Added: DrawAlphaImage() has a new transparency parameter and can be used to draw non-alpha images part transparent
- Added: QuickDraw subsystem for WindowOutput() on OSX
- Added: Sprite/ScreenOutput for OpenGL (all OS)
- Added: DrawingFont() works for SDL output!
- Added: OutputWidth(), OutputHeight(), OutputDepth() for 2DDrawing
- Added: GrabDrawingImage(), DrawRotatedText()
- Added: RGBA(), Alpha()
- Added #PB_PixelFormat_ReversedY - for pixel buffers that are stored upside-down (Windows ImageOutput or OpenGl)
- Removed: #PB_Image_DisplayFormat is now deprecated (value set to 32 to have 32bit as default)
- Added: #PB_OS_Windows_7 for OSVersion()
- Updated: OGRE to 1.6.2, sqlite, PCRE to 7.9
- Changed: Call(C)Function(Fast) parameters have been changed from 'Any' to 'Integer'.
- Fixed: Image Decoders are now threadsafe
PureBasic IDE:
- Added: Highlight matching keyword for keyword under cursor (tied to BraceMatching color setting)
- Added: Edit->Goto matching keyword
- Added: PB_TOOL_Preferences Environment variable for IDE tools
- Added: Theme management to customize menu icons
- Added: New 'Silk' theme based on the Iconsset by Mark James
- Added: Autocomplete scans implicit variable declaration and respects scope
- Added: Structure item autocomplete
- Added: Project Management:
- Autocomplete for all files within a project (even if not opened)
- Multiple compiler settings for different compile targets
- Compile all compile targets at once
- Per-Project list of last opened files
- Project ToolsPanel tool for fast access to the project files
- Changed: moved encoding/newline setting from compiler options to file menu
- Improved: greatly improved VariableViewer update speeds
- Added: progressbar display if VariableViewer update takes long
- Added: column sort capability to VariableViewer (Windows Only)
- Added: Map Library for hash tables
- Added: 'Threaded' Keyword for thread-local variables
- Added: Structure assignment copies the structure (a.point = b.point)
- Added: ClearStructure(*Pointer, Structure)
- Added: AES to cipher library: AESEncoder(), AESDecoder(), StartAESCipher(), AddCipherBuffer(), FinishCipher()
- Added: Dylib for OS X
- Added: Trim/LTrim/RTrim() got an optional character to trim
- Added: Added #PB_Function, #PB_OSFunction, #PB_Map to Defined()
- Added: ReverseString(String$), InsertString(String$, StringToInsert$, Position), RemoveString(String$, RemoveString$ [, Mode [, StartPosition [, NbOccurences]]])
- Added: Add blob support to databases
- Added: Added peephole optimizer to 64 bit versions to produce better code
- Added: '.a' (ascii) and '.u' (unicode) native type to provide native unsigned byte and word.
- Added: FileBuffersSize(#PB_Default, ...): #PB_Default support change the buffersize to the next opened files
- Added: #PB_URL_Protocol to Get/SetURLPart()
- Added: #PB_Shadow_TextureAdditive
- Added: FTPDirectoryEntryRaw(), FillMemory(Memory, Value, Size [, Type])
- Added: Global, Protected, Threaded, Shared and Static now accept a type to affect all default variable declaration.
- Added: AddWindowTimer(), RemoveWindowTimer(), #PB_Event_Timer, EventTimer()
- Added: #PB_Window_Tool - create tool windows
- Added: StatusBarProgress()
- Added: StatusBarImage() - now supports normal images (not just icons)
- Added: #PB_Checkbox_ThreeState flag to create a 3 state checkbox (state values: #PB_CheckBox_Checked, #PB_CheckBox_Unchecked, #PB_CheckBox_Inbetween)
- Added: ShortcutGadget()
- Added: CreateImageMenu(), CreatePopupImageMenu() for OSX
- Added: Full alphachannel support for all GUI elements that display images
- Added: Full alphachannel support for Image lib
- Added: New drawing modes for 2DDrawing in ImageOutput()
- #PB_2DDrawing_AlphaBlend
- #PB_2DDrawing_AlphaClip
- #PB_2DDrawing_AlphaChannel
- #PB_2DDrawing_Gradient
- Added: LinearGradient(), BoxedGradient(), CircularGradient(), EllipsicalGradient(), ConicalGradient(),
- Added: GradientColor(), ResetGradientColors()
- Added: DrawAlphaImage() for all outputs on all OS
- Added: DrawAlphaImage() has a new transparency parameter and can be used to draw non-alpha images part transparent
- Added: QuickDraw subsystem for WindowOutput() on OSX
- Added: Sprite/ScreenOutput for OpenGL (all OS)
- Added: DrawingFont() works for SDL output!
- Added: OutputWidth(), OutputHeight(), OutputDepth() for 2DDrawing
- Added: GrabDrawingImage(), DrawRotatedText()
- Added: RGBA(), Alpha()
- Added #PB_PixelFormat_ReversedY - for pixel buffers that are stored upside-down (Windows ImageOutput or OpenGl)
- Removed: #PB_Image_DisplayFormat is now deprecated (value set to 32 to have 32bit as default)
- Added: #PB_OS_Windows_7 for OSVersion()
- Updated: OGRE to 1.6.2, sqlite, PCRE to 7.9
- Changed: Call(C)Function(Fast) parameters have been changed from 'Any' to 'Integer'.
- Fixed: Image Decoders are now threadsafe
PureBasic IDE:
- Added: Highlight matching keyword for keyword under cursor (tied to BraceMatching color setting)
- Added: Edit->Goto matching keyword
- Added: PB_TOOL_Preferences Environment variable for IDE tools
- Added: Theme management to customize menu icons
- Added: New 'Silk' theme based on the Iconsset by Mark James
- Added: Autocomplete scans implicit variable declaration and respects scope
- Added: Structure item autocomplete
- Added: Project Management:
- Autocomplete for all files within a project (even if not opened)
- Multiple compiler settings for different compile targets
- Compile all compile targets at once
- Per-Project list of last opened files
- Project ToolsPanel tool for fast access to the project files
- Changed: moved encoding/newline setting from compiler options to file menu
- Improved: greatly improved VariableViewer update speeds
- Added: progressbar display if VariableViewer update takes long
- Added: column sort capability to VariableViewer (Windows Only)
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