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PureBasic 5.00 bêta 2 est disponible
Nouveau framework cocoa et nouvelles commandes 3D

Le , par comtois


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Finalement L'équipe a abandonné la version 4.70, et passe directement à la version 5.00.

Vous pouvez récupérer la bêta 2 sur votre compte personnel.

Comme d'habitude les versions démos 5.00 seront disponibles après la sortie de la version finale, avec un peu de chance en même temps

Hi there !

Yes, yes, yes, it's a brand new number for this PureBasic beta release. You may ask why we did it. And the answer is rather easy: we have finished the 64-bit support for all supported systems, upgraded old frameworks when necessary (Cocoa), added a tons a new commands on the 3D side and even got a brand new Form Designer ! Even more, there is some 'minor' additions, and internal component upgrade. Just check out the change log:

- Added: Cocoa support on OS X (now the default toolkit)
- Added: 64-bit version of PureBasic for OS X
- Added: Brand new Form Designer, for Windows, Linux and OS X
- Added: Carbon subsystem for PowerPC and x86 version of PureBasic (use 'carbon' as subsystem to enable it)
- Added: Multi-dimensional arrays in structure support
- Added: InitScintilla() on Linux and OS X avoid compilation issues (empty function)
- Added: #PB_Window_NoActivate flag to OpenWindow() and HideWindow()
- Added: #PB_EventType_RightClick support ScintillaGadget()
- Added: Favorites section to the explorer tool (IDE)
- Added: Trigger for custom tools when a new source file is created (IDE)
- Added: SetWindowCallback() support to OS X to have callback events (only a few type supported: #PB_Event_SizeWindow, Splitter, ScrollBar)
- Added: partial thread-safety to GTK (Linux)
- Added: SpritePixelCollision() support for OS X and Linux

- Changed: SetModulePosition() is now in milliseconds, no more in pattern

- Updated: Scintilla updated to 3.1.0
- Updated: Expat updated to 2.1.0
- Updated: libjpeg updated to 8.0d
- Updated: libpng updated to 1.5.12
- Updated: Ogre to 1.8.0, bullet to 2.80, hydrax to 0.5.4, CEGUI to 0.7.7
- Updated: ModPlug lib update to
- Updated: Use of VC++ 2010 instead of VC++ 2005 to compile the Windows libraries (32-bit and 64-bit), resulting of better optimized code

Added: a new optional parameter to InitEngine3D() with constants #PB_Engine3D_DebugLog and #PB_Engine3D_DebugOutput
Added: RayPick(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2 [, PickMask]) ; Returns the first #Entity crossed by the ray
Added: 'PickMask' parameter to MousePick()

Added: RenderWorld() now returns 'TimeSinceLastFrame', in milliseconds
Added: SkyBox() and SkyDome() now supports Fog()
Added: 'Color' and 'TextureSize' parameters to WorldShadows()
Added: #PB_World_UnderWater and #PB_World_WaterGodRays flags to CreateWater()

Added: CameraViewWidth(#Camera) ; return camera width in pixels
Added: CameraViewHeight(#Camera) ; return camera height in pixels
Added: CameraViewX(#Camera) ; return Y position in pixels
Added: CameraViewY(#Camera) ; return X position in pixels
Added: CameraDirection(#Camera, x, y, z) ; change the direction
Added: CameraDirectionX/Y/Z(#Camera) - Retrieve the direction of the #Camera.
Added: new 'IsActive' optional parameter to render to texture for CreateCamera()
Added: SetCameraFixedYawAxis(#Camera, Mode [VectorX, VectorY, VectorZ]) - Change the way the yaw axis is managed
Changed: CameraLookAt() ; doesn't change the direction anymore

Added: ScaleMaterial(#Material, x, y)
Added: MaterialFog(#Material, Color, Intensity, StartDistance, EndDistance) - Display a fog effect on the material
Added: ReloadMaterial(MaterialName$, Filename$, ParseScript)
Added: ResetMaterial(ObjectType)
Added: #PB_Material_Anisotropic support to MaterialFilteringMode() and #PB_Default support as Material to set the default settings for materials.
Added: #PB_Material_Wireframe, #PB_Material_Point and #PB_Material_Solid to MaterialShadingMode()

Added: NodeFixedYawAxis()

Added: SoundListenerLocate() ; to move the sound listener (the ear) in the world

Added: new 'PickMask' optional paramater for CreateEntity()
Added: #PB_Entity_Wireframe, #PB_Entity_Solid, #PB_Entity_Point and #PB_Entity_DisplaySkeleton to EntityRenderMode()
Added: FreeEntityJoints(#Entity) - Free all joints associated with the #Entity.
Added: AttachEntityObject(#Entity, Bone$, ObjectID [, x, y, z, Pitch, Roll, Yaw]) - Attach an object to the #Entity.
Added: DetachEntityObject(#Entity, ObjectID) - Detach the object from the #Entity.
Added: EntityBoneX/Y/Z(entityID, Bone$ [, OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetZ])
Added: EntityBonePitch()
Added: EntityBoneRoll()
Added: EntityBoneYaw()
Added: DirectionX/Y/Z optional parameters to EntityLookAt()
Added: EntityVelocity(#Entity, x, y, z) - Change the linear velocity of the #Entity.
Added: EntityAngularFactor(#Entity, x, y, z) - Change the angular factor of the #Entity.
Added: EntityLinearFactor(#Entity, x, y, z) - Change the linear factor of the #Entity.
Added: EntityCustomParameter(#Entity, SubEntityIndex, ParameterIndex, Value1, Value2, Value3, Value4) - Set a custom parameter to the #Entity shader script.
Added: EntityParentNode(#Entity)
Added: EntityBoundingBoxX/Y/Z(#Entity, Point, Flags)
Added: DisableEntityBody(#Entity, Disable)
Added: to Get/SetEntityAttributes:
#PB_Entity_VelocityX: Get
#PB_Entity_VelocityY: Get
#PB_Entity_VelocityZ: Get
#PB_Entity_MassCenterX: Get/Set
#PB_Entity_MassCenterY: Get/Set
#PB_Entity_MassCenterZ: Get/Set
#PB_Entity_MaxVelocity: Get/Set

Added: AddEntityAnimationTime(#Entity, Animation$, Time) - Add time to the specified #Entity animation.
Added: EnableEntityAnimation(#Entity, Animation$, Enable [, Loop]) - Enable the specified #Entity animation.
Added: EntityAnimationStatus(#Entity, Animation$) - Return the specified #Entity animation status (constants: #PB_EntityAnimation_Stopped, #PB_EntityAnimation_Started, #PB_EntityAnimation_Unknown)
Added: EntityAnimationBlendMode(#Entity, Mode) - with #PB_Entity_Average and #PB_Entity_Cumulative
Added: GetEntityAnimationTime(#Entity, Animation$) - Get the current #Entity animation time.
Added: SetEntityAnimationTime(#Entity, Animation$, Time) - Set the current #Entity animation time.
Added: GetEntityAnimationWeight(#Entity, Animation$) - Get the #Entity animation weight.
Added: SetEntityAnimationWeight(#Entity, Animation$, Weight) - Set the #Entity animation weight (useful for EntityAnimationBlendMode()).
Added: GetEntityAnimationLength(#Entity, Animation$) - Get the #Entity animation length.
Added: SetEntityAnimationLength(#Entity, Animation$, Length) - Set the #Entity animation length.
Added: UpdateEntityAnimation(#Entity, Animation$) - Update the animation, especially after vertex changes

Change: Attach/DetachNodeObject() removed the 'type' object
Added: NodeLookAt(): Optional DirectionX/Y/Z parameter

Added: FreeNodeAnimation(#NodeAnimation) - Free the specified #NodeAnimation.
Added: CreateNodeAnimation(#NodeAnimation, Length, Interpolation, RotationInterpolation) - Create a new #NodeAnimation.
'Interpolation' can be: #PB_NodeAnimation_Linear or #PB_NodeAnimation_Spline
'RotationInterpolation' can be #PB_NodeAnimation_LinearRotation or #PB_NodeAnimation_SphericalRotation
Added: CreateNodeAnimationTrack(#NodeAnimation, Index, NodeID) - Create a new track for the #NodeAnimation.
Added: CreateNodeAnimationKeyFrame(#NodeAnimation, Track, Time, x, y, z) - Create a new keyframe for the #NodeAnimation track.
Added: GetNodeAnimationKeyFrameTime(#NodeAnimation, Track, KeyFrame) - Get the keyframe time for the #NodeAnimation track.
Added: SetNodeAnimationKeyFramePosition(#NodeAnimation, Track, KeyFrame, x, y, z) - Set the keyframe position for the #NodeAnimation track.
Added: GetNodeAnimationKeyFrameX(#NodeAnimation, Track, KeyFrame) - Get the x keyframe position for the #NodeAnimation track.
Added: GetNodeAnimationKeyFrameY(#NodeAnimation, Track, KeyFrame) - Get the y keyframe position for the #NodeAnimation track.
Added: GetNodeAnimationKeyFrameZ(#NodeAnimation, Track, KeyFrame) - Get the z keyframe position for the #NodeAnimation track.
Added: SetNodeAnimationKeyFrameRotation(#NodeAnimation, Track, KeyFrame, Pitch, Yaw, Roll) - Set the keyframe position for the #NodeAnimation track.
Added: GetNodeAnimationKeyFramePitch(#NodeAnimation, Track, KeyFrame) - Get the keyframe pitch for the #NodeAnimation track.
Added: GetNodeAnimationKeyFrameYaw(#NodeAnimation, Track, KeyFrame) - Get the y keyframe yaw for the #NodeAnimation track.
Added: GetNodeAnimationKeyFrameRoll(#NodeAnimation, Track, KeyFrame) - Get the z keyframe roll for the #NodeAnimation track.
Added: SetNodeAnimationKeyFrameScale(#NodeAnimation, Track, KeyFrame, ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ) - Set the keyframe scale for the #NodeAnimation track.
Added: AddNodeAnimationTime(#NodeAnimation, Time) - Add time to the specified #NodeAnimation.
Added: EnableNodeAnimation(#NodeAnimation, Enable [, Loop]) - Enable the specified #NodeAnimation.
Added: NodeAnimationStatus(#NodeAnimation) - Return the specified #NodeAnimation status.
Added: GetNodeAnimationTime(#NodeAnimation) - Get the current #NodeAnimation time.
Added: SetNodeAnimationTime(#NodeAnimation, Time) - Set the current #NodeAnimation time.
Added: GetNodeAnimationWeight(#NodeAnimation) - Get the #NodeAnimation weight.
Added: SetNodeAnimationWeight(#NodeAnimation, Weight) - Set the #NodeAnimation weight.
Added: GetNodeAnimationLength(#NodeAnimation) - Get the #NodeAnimation length.
Added: SetNodeAnimationLength(#NodeAnimation, Length) - Set the #NodeAnimation length.

Added: LightAttenuation(#Light, Range, Constant, Linear, Quadratic)
Added: LightX(#Light)
Added: LightY(#Light)
Added: LightZ(#Light)
Added: LightDirection(#Light, x, y, z)
Added: LightDirectionX(#Light)
Added: LightDirectionY(#Light)
Added: LightDirectionZ(#Light)
Added: RotateLight(#Light, Pitch, Yaw, Roll [, Flags])
Added: LightPitch(#Light)
Added: LightYaw(#Light)
Added: LightRoll(#Light)

Added: GetScriptParticle(#ParticleEmitter, Name$) - Get a particule emitter defined in scripts files.

Added: CreateRenderTexture(#Texture, CameraID, Width, Height, RenderedTextureName$ [, Flags]) - Create a new rendered based #Texture.
Flags can be: #PB_Texture_ManualUpdate or PB_Texture_AutomaticUpdate (default)
Added: UpdateRenderTexture(#Texture) ; update the rendered texture, only in manual mode
Added: SaveRenderTexture(#Texture, Filename$)
Added: CreateCubeMapTexture(#Texture, CameraID, Width, Height, RenderedTextureName$ [, Flags]) - Create a new rendered based #Texture.
Added: EntityCubeMapTexture(#Texture, #Entity) - Apply the cube map #Texture to the #Entity.
Updated: CreateTexture() now handle alpha textures as well

Updated: HideEffect(integer effectID, int hidden) ; now handle ribbon as well
Added: EffectID(#Effect)
Changed: CreateRibbonEffect() - 'InitialWidth' parameter has been removed
Added: RibbonEffectWidth(#Effect, ChainIndex, Width, FadeoutWidth)
Added: AttachRibbonEffect(#Effect, NodeID) - Attach the ribbon #Effect to the node.
Added: DetachRibbonEffect(#Effect, NodeID) - Detach the node from the ribbon #Effect.

Added: EnableHingeJointAngularMotor(#Joint, Enable, TargetVelocity, MaxMotorImpulse) - Enable the angular motor on the hinge #Joint.
Modified: Modification de la lib Joint pour supprimer la limitation d'un joint par entity:
- Ajout d'un paramètre #Joint pour les fonctions suivantes : ConeTwistJoint(), HingeJoint(), PointJoint(), SliderJoint()
- Remplacement du paramètre #Entity par le paramètre #Joint dans les fonctions suivantes : FreeJoint()
Added: #PB_HingeJoint_LowerLimit and #PB_HingeJoint_UpperLimit to Get/SetJointAttribute()

Added: CreateVertexAnimation(#Mesh, Animation$, Length) - Create a new vertex animation for the #mesh.
Added: CreateVertexTrack(#Mesh, Animation$, Index) - Create a new track to the #Mesh animation.
Added: CreateVertexPoseKeyFrame(#Mesh, Animation$, Track, Time) - Create a new keyframe to the #Mesh track.
Added: AddVertexPoseReference(#Mesh, Animation$, Track, Index, PoseIndex, Influence) - Add a new vertex pose reference to the #Mesh track.
Added: UpdateVertexPoseReference(#Mesh, Animation$, Track, Index, PoseIndex, Influence) - Update a new vertex pose reference to the #Mesh track.
Added: VertexPoseReferencesSize(#Mesh, Animation$, Track, Index) - Return the vertex pose reference size of the specified #Mesh track.
Added: MeshPoseName(#Mesh, PoseIndex) - Return the mesh pose name.

Added: Optional 'Pitch', 'Yaw', 'Roll' parameters to AddStaticGeometryEntity()

CreateSpline(#Spline) - Create a new empty #Spline
FreeSpline(#Spline) - Free the #Spline.
AddSplinePoint(#Spline, x, y, z)
ClearSpline(#Spline) - Clear the #Spine.
CountSplinePoints(#Spline) - Return the number of point in the #Spine.
SplinePointX(#Spline, Index) - Return the x position of the #Spline point.
SplinePointY(#Spline, Index) - Return the y position of the #Spline point.
SplinePointZ(#Spline, Index) - Return the z position of the #Spline point.
UpdateSplinePoint(#Spline, Index, x, y, z) - Update the specified #Spline point.
ComputeSpline(#Spline, Time) - Compute the #Spline at the given time.
SplineX(#Spline) - Return the x position of the #Spline.
SplineY(#Spline) - Return the y position of the #Spline.
SplineZ(#Spline) - Return the z position of the #Spline.

FreeTerrain(#Terrain) - Free the #Terrain.
SetupTerrains(LigthID, Distance, Flags) - Setup the default options for all terrains.
CreateTerrain(#Terrain, Size, WorldSize, Scale, Layer, Filename$, Extension$) - Create a new #Terrain.
TerrainPhysicBody(#Terrain, Restitution, Friction) - Add a static physic body to the #Terrain.
DefineTerrainTile(#Terrain, TileX, TileY, Heightname$, FlipX, FlipY) - Defines a new #Terrain tile.
AddTerrainTexture(#Terrain, Layer, WorldSize, DiffuseSpecular$, NormalHeight$) - Add a texture to the #Terrain.
BuildTerrain(#Terrain) - Construct the #Terrain.
TerrainLocate(#Terrain, x, y, z) - Change the #Terrain location.
TerrainHeight(#Terrain, x, z) - Return the height of the #Terrain at the specified coordinates.
TerrainTileHeightAtPosition(#Terrain, TileX, TileY, Layer, x, y) - Return the height of the #Terrain tile.
TerrainTilePointX(#Terrain, TileX, TileY, x, y, z) - Return the x position in the #Terrain tile of the point.
TerrainTilePointY(#Terrain, TileX, TileY, x, y, z) - Return the y position in the #Terrain tile of the point.
TerrainTileSize(#Terrain, TileX, TileY) - Return the size of the #Terrain tile.
GetTerrainTileHeightAtPoint(#Terrain, TileX, TileY, x, y) - Get the height of the #Terrain tile at the specified position.
SetTerrainTileHeightAtPoint(#Terrain, TileX, TileY, x, y, Height) - Set the height of the #Terrain tile at the specified position.
UpdateTerrain(#Terrain) - Update the whole #Terrain.
TerrainTileLayerMapSize(#Terrain, TileX, TileY) - Return the #Terrain tile layer map size.
GetTerrainTileLayerBlend(#Terrain, TileX, TileY, Layer, x, y) - Get the #Terrain tile layer blend value.
SetTerrainTileLayerBlend(#Terrain, TileX, TileY, Layer, x, y, Value) - Set the #Terrain tile layer blend value.
UpdateTerrainTileLayerBlend(#Terrain, TileX, TileY, Layer) - Update the #Terrain tile blend value.
TerrainMousePick(#Terrain, CameraID, x, y) - Perform a mouse picking on the #Terrain.
SaveTerrain(#Terrain, ModifiedOnly) - Save the #Terrain on disk.
TerrainRenderMode(#Terrain, Flags) - Change the #Terrain render mode.

InputEvent3D(): Added a special key parameter to handle non printable keys

Removed: AnimateEntity() (replaced with Start/StopEntityAnimation())
Removed: #PB_Entity_Wireframe, #PB_Entity_Point and #PB_Entity_Solid to EntityRenderMode()
Removed: CheckEntityCollision(), NextWorldCollision(), FirstWorldCollisionEntity(), SecondWorldCollisionEntity()

A lot of new 3D examples have been done by comtois and G-Rom, i will post a link to their archives once it will be online.

We are very proud of the long way done since the first 4.00 release and we are looking forward to push PureBasic even further ! I would like to thanks all the guys who made this possible all this time, including Timo (Fr34k), Andre, Berikco, Comtois, G-Rom, Polo and all the former one, check the history for the full listing . Yes, it's still beta, but we hope to go final somewhere soon, so don't hesitate to test it to have a rock solid 5.00 version !

The Fantaisie Software Team
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Avatar de comtois
Responsable Purebasic
Le 31/08/2012 à 6:36
Et voici l'archive qui comporte tous mes tests de la nouvelle bibliothèque 3D.
(33 Mo)
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Avatar de comtois
Responsable Purebasic
Le 31/08/2012 à 17:14
Voila l'archive de G-Rom, elle comporte les exemples suivants :

-Cube Mapping
-Multi CubeMapping
-Send parameter to a shader
-Static geometry
-Render to texture and push it into a .material
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Avatar de comtois
Responsable Purebasic
Le 16/09/2012 à 8:49
Une très bonne nouvelle pour les utilisateurs de la bibliothèque 3D de PureBasic.

Fred vient de compiler OgreASSIMPConverter pour convertir une multitude de formats 3D dans le format d'ogre

Voir la liste des formats supportés

ça pourra servir à tous ceux qui utilisent Ogre, l'outil n'est pas spécifique à PureBasic.

I have built OgreASSIMPConverter ( commandline tool for Ogre 1.8, it will accept in input all formats supported by assimp (see here: ... rmats.html) and output a .mesh with .material and .sekeleton. May be it will work better for you ?

The last version of assimp has been used, and Ogre SDK 1.8.1. I tested with a 3DS model and it loaded correctly in PB. ... (Windows only, requiers the VC++2010 runtime)

Have fun !
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Avatar de comtois
Responsable Purebasic
Le 18/09/2012 à 8:33
Fred a fait une mise à jour hier soir de OgreASSIMPConverter, vous pouvez télécharger cette nouvelle version à la même adresse que ci-dessus.

Sinon la 5.00 bêta 3 est sortie, elle contient :
- la doc en anglais des nouvelles commandes. La traduction en français est en cours.
- De nouveaux exemples 3D, et la mise à jour des anciens.
- Des corrections de bogues.

Hi there,

The 3rd beta of the forthcoming 5.00 version is available on your online account ! Here are the main changes:
- doc is finished (english only), useful to test the new commands
- the 3D examples have been updated/added in the official package
- bug fixes

The 5.00 beta 2 announcement: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=51120

Don't hesitate to report if something looks wrong !

Have fun,

The Fantaisie Software Team
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Avatar de comtois
Responsable Purebasic
Le 05/10/2012 à 18:45
la beta 4 est disponible sur votre compte avec quelques petits ajouts et beaucoup de bogues corrigés

Hi there,

The 4rd beta of the forthcoming 5.00 version is available on your online account ! Here are the main changes:

- Added: EntityFixedYawAxis()
- Added: option 'TextureCoordinateIndex' parameter to AddMaterialLayer()
- Added: optional 'Mode' parameter to MoveLight(), MoveEntity() and MoveNode() (either #PB_World, #PB_Parent or #PB_Local)
- doc is finished, useful to test the new commands
- more bug fixes

Don't hesitate to report if something looks wrong !

Have fun,
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Avatar de comtois
Responsable Purebasic
Le 12/10/2012 à 16:39
La beta est disponible sur votre compte, c'est sans doute la dernière beta, il est encore temps de signaler les problèmes avant la sortie de la version finale.

Hi there,

We are now close to the final release, it's only a bug fix beta. If you can, try to test your regular application with this version, as we believe it is stable enough. It will help us to have a robust 5.00 release, thanks ! You can grab the new beta on your online account as usual.

Have fun !

The Fantaisie Software Team
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Avatar de comtois
Responsable Purebasic
Le 19/10/2012 à 20:04
Allez zou voila une autre bêta qui corrige une bonne série de bogues. Je crois que Fred est pressé de passer à la prochaine version

Il a lâché une petite info : la version 5.10 devrait contenir une fonction Bool() pour tester des expressions booléennes. Depuis le temps qu'on l'attendait celle là, elle sera la bienvenue pour beaucoup je crois

Hi there,

We are now close to the final release, it's only a bug fix beta. If you can, try to test your regular application with this version, as we believe it is stable enough. It will help us to have a robust 5.00 release, thanks ! You can grab the new beta on your online account as usual.

Enjoy !

The Fantaisie Software Team
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Avatar de comtois
Responsable Purebasic
Le 24/10/2012 à 22:11
Une nouvelle bêta est disponible sur votre compte (beta 7).
Comme d'habitude elle corrige une nouvelle série de bogues. Et surtout 2 nouveautés :

- Support du langage CG pour les shaders. Nécessaire pour utiliser les terrains sous OpenGL (Linux et MacOS). Et utile pour s'amuser avec les shaders écrits en CG qu'on trouve un peu partout.
Note : il faut installer la dll cg.dll sur votre disque, vous pouvez la récupérer ici.

- Ajout d'un paramètre à la fonction MoveCamera() : Valeur possible #PB_Local ou #PB_World.

On se rapproche de la version finale si aucun gros bogue n'est signalé.

Hi there,

A new version is out and it does bring bug fixes, as usual, and one new feature: CG support for the 3D engine, so you can use CG written shaders in you plan to target different OS. As a side effect, it enables the terrain shader on OpenGL. To use it, you need to install the CG dll from the nvidia site: . This DLL isn't requiered to launch the engine3d, and if you plan to use it, you need to put #PB_Engine3D_EnableCG flag in InitEngine3D(). See the terrain examples for more infos. Also added a flag to MoveCamera() to allow local move (use #PB_World or #PB_Local)

The final release is imminent, so please test your software with it, or you will be left in the dust if it doesn't run well with the final .

Have fun !

The Fantaisie Software Team.
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Avatar de comtois
Responsable Purebasic
Le 30/10/2012 à 15:18
La beta 8 corrige un problème sur les floats apparu avec la beta 7 ainsi que d'autres trucs. Vous pouvez la récupérer sur votre compte.

Fred n'a pas encore changé le numéro sur le site, c'est toujours inscrit beta 7, mais l'archive correspond bien à la beta 8. D'ailleurs le temps que j'écrive ce texte, il aura sans doute mis à jour le site


This is a small bug fix release which should address the float regression bug and other minor oddities. You can grab it on your online account.

Have fun,

The Fantaisie Software Team.
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