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SpiderBasic 3.0 est disponible
Ajout de la bibliothèque Mobile UI

Le , par comtois


3  0 

Final is out, thanks a lot for testing and enjoy !

26th June 2024 : Version 3.00

  • Added: Brand new Mobile UI library to quickly build native looking mobile UI !
  • Added: Brand new WebView tool for the IDE to display the app result directly inside the IDE !
  • Added: Runtime debugger support for all libraries, with IDE integration to ease error spotting.
  • Added: Background color selector in CreateApp for Android.
  • Added: 'DPI Aware' flag in 'Compiler Options' to have DPI aware applications
  • Added: --rebuildappdir commandline option to easily rebuild an app (created with --keepappdir)
  • Added: SpiderBasicCLI.cmd to have an easy to use commandline (Windows)
  • Added: IsWebSocket().
  • Added: AddTimer(), RemoveTimer() to have window independant timers.
  • Added: SplashScreenControl() to handle when closing the splashscreen.
  • Fixed: Some compiler and librarie bugs

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