The next major version of SpiderBasic is coming and brings a brand new library to easy create mobile UI, with both Android and iOS native look ! As the lib is big, this is a still a work in progress to get your feedback and see what should be added/modified to get good mobile UI support. We use a patched version of OnsenUI 2 to power this (https://onsen.io/)
The idea behind the layout is to have some container (Page, Navigator, TabBar) and then you can add a toolbar, some rows and/or a list. Each row or list item can contain up to 3 objects (on left, center and right). While testing this, resize your navigator to have a mobile look for better experience. Here is the complete commandlist:
Some example to get started (you can also build a mobile app to see how it really behaves on phone):
The idea behind the layout is to have some container (Page, Navigator, TabBar) and then you can add a toolbar, some rows and/or a list. Each row or list item can contain up to 3 objects (on left, center and right). While testing this, resize your navigator to have a mobile look for better experience. Here is the complete commandlist:
- FreeMobile, Long (#Mobile) - Frees the mobile object.
- IsMobile, Long (#Mobile) - Tests if the given mobile object is initialized.
- DisableMobile, Long, Long (#Mobile, State) - Disable or enable the given mobile object.
- AlertMobile, String (Text$) - Display an alert.
- ContainerMobile, Long, Long, [String], [String], (#Mobile, Type [, Style$ [, Identifier$]]) - Create a new mobile container.
- CheckBoxMobile, Long, String, [Long], (#Mobile, Text$ [, Flags]) - Create a new mobile checkbox in the current container.
- OptionMobile, Long, String, String, [Long], (#Mobile, Text$, Group$ [, Flags]) - Create a new mobile option in the current container.
- ButtonMobile, Long, String, [Long], (#Mobile, Text$ [, Flags]) - Create a new mobile button in the current container.
- TextMobile, Long, String, [Long], (#Mobile, Text$ [, Flags]) - Create a new mobile text in the current container.
- SwitchMobile, Long, [Long], (#Mobile [, Flags]) - Create a new mobile switch in the current container.
- InputMobile, Long, String, [String], [Long], (#Mobile, Text$ [, PlaceHolder$ [, Flags]]) - Create a new mobile input in the current container.
- TrackBarMobile, Long, Long, Long, Long, [Long], (#Mobile, Minimun, Maximum, Step [, Flags]) - Create a new mobile trackbar in the current container.
- ProgressBarMobile, Long, [Long], (#Mobile [, Flags]) - Create a new mobile progressbar in the current container.
- IconMobile, Long, String, [Long], (#Mobile, Name$ [, Flags]) - Create a new mobile icon in the current container.
- ToolBarMobile, Long (#Mobile) - Create a new mobile toolbar in the current container.
- CloseMobileContainer () - Close the current mobile container.
- HtmlMobile, String (Text$) - Append raw HTML in the current container.
- ImageMobile, Long, Long, [Long], (#Mobile, ImageID, [, Flags]) - Create a new mobile image in the current container.
- GetMobileText, Long (#Mobile) - Return the mobile text.
- SetMobileText, Long, String (#Mobile, Text$) - Change the mobile text.
- GetMobileAttribute, Long, String, [Long], (#Mobile, Attribute$ [, Item]) - Return the mobile attribute.
- SetMobileAttribute, Long, String, String, [Long], (#Mobile, Attribute$, Value$ [, Item]) - Change the mobile attribute.
- ListMobile, Long, [Long], (#Mobile [, Flags]) - Create a new mobile list in the current container.
- AddListMobileItem, Long, String, [Long], (#Mobile, Text$ [, Flags]) - Add a new item to a mobile list.
- TabBarMobile, Long, [Long], (#Mobile [, Flags]) - Create a new mobile tab bar in the current container.
- AddTabBarMobileItem, Long, String, String, String, String, [Long], (#Mobile, Text$, Icon$, ActiveIcon$, Page$ [, NbBadges]) - Add a new tab to a mobile tab bar.
- NavigatorMobile, Long, String, [Long], (#Mobile, Page$ [, Flags]) - Create a new mobile navigator in the current container.
- ChangeNavigatorMobilePage, Long, Long, [String], (#Mobile, Action [, Page$]) - Changet the mobile navigator page.
- SplitterMobile, Long, String, String, [Long], (#Mobile, MenuPage$, ContentPage$ [, Flags]) - Create a new mobile splitter.
- GetMobileState, Long, (#Mobile) - Get the current mobile state.
- SetMobileState, Long, Long, (#Mobile, State) - Change the mobile state.
- SetActiveMobile, Long, (#Mobile) - Change the current active mobile.
- GetActiveMobile, Long, () - Get the current active mobile.
- ShowMobile, Long, Long, [Long], (#Mobile, State [, #TargetMobile]) - Change the mobile visibility.
- MobileStyle, Long, (Style) - Change the mobile rendering style.
- - Added: AddTimer() and RemoveTimer() to have window independant timers.
- - Added: SplashScreenControl() to handle when closing the splashscreen.
- - Changed: the compile app window has now an editor gadget instead of a listview, allowing for select/pasting output to ease debugging app creation errors
Some example to get started (you can also build a mobile app to see how it really behaves on phone):
Example with a tabbar and many objects
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To force the style, use #PB_Mobile_Android or #PB_Mobile_iOS ;MobileStyle(#PB_Mobile_Android) Enumeration #Dialog #OpenDialogButton #CloseDialogButton #AddRowButton #InputName #List #PopOver #OpenPopOverButton #ClosePopOverButton #Option1 #Option2 #Option3 #ListInSet #ListInSet2 #TrackBar #CheckBox #TrackBarInfo #ToolBar #ToolBarLeftButton #ToolBarRightButton #TabBar #GoToTab3 EndEnumeration If ContainerMobile(#Dialog, #PB_Mobile_Dialog, "padding:8px") If ContainerMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Row, "padding:8px") TextMobile(#PB_Any, "This is a dynamic dialog box", #PB_Mobile_Center) CloseMobileContainer() EndIf If ContainerMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Row, "padding:8px") ButtonMobile(#CloseDialogButton, "Close", #PB_Mobile_Center) CloseMobileContainer() EndIf CloseMobileContainer() EndIf ; The PopOver dialog ; If ContainerMobile(#PopOver, #PB_Mobile_PopOver) If ContainerMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Row, "padding:8px") ButtonMobile(#ClosePopOverButton, "Close", #PB_Mobile_Center) CloseMobileContainer() EndIf CloseMobileContainer() EndIf ; Create an image ; CreateImage(0, 200, 30, 24, RGB(255, 0, 0)) If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0)) Box(4, 4, 192, 22, RGB(255, 128, 128)) StopDrawing() EndIf ; Template page 1 for the TabBar ; If ContainerMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Template, "", "tab1") If ContainerMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Row, "padding:8px") ButtonMobile(#OpenDialogButton, "Open Dialog", #PB_Mobile_Left) ImageMobile(#PB_Any, ImageID(0), #PB_Mobile_Center) ProgressBarMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Indeterminate | #PB_Mobile_Circular | #PB_Mobile_Right) CloseMobileContainer() EndIf If ContainerMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Row, "padding:8px") ButtonMobile(#AddRowButton, "Add Row", #PB_Mobile_Left) InputMobile(#InputName, "", "Enter your name", #PB_Mobile_Search | #PB_Mobile_Center) SwitchMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Right) CloseMobileContainer() EndIf ListMobile(#List) AddListMobileItem(#List, "Hello", #PB_Mobile_Container) TextMobile(#PB_Any, "PopOver", #PB_Mobile_Left) ButtonMobile(#OpenPopOverButton, "Open PopOver !", #PB_Mobile_Center) SwitchMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Right) CloseMobileContainer() AddListMobileItem(#List, "", #PB_Mobile_Container) ButtonMobile(#GoToTab3, "Go Tab 3", #PB_Mobile_Left) InputMobile(#PB_Any, "Label", "Enter name", #PB_Mobile_Center | #PB_Mobile_Numeric) SwitchMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Right) CloseMobileContainer() AddListMobileItem(#List, "", #PB_Mobile_Container) IconMobile(#PB_Any, "md-volume-down", #PB_Mobile_Left) TrackBarMobile(#TrackBar, 0, 200, 10, #PB_Mobile_Center) IconMobile(#PB_Any, "md-volume-up", #PB_Mobile_Right) CloseMobileContainer() ; Add an expandable item to the list ; If AddListMobileItem(#List, "Expand me !", #PB_Mobile_Expandable) If ContainerMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Row, "padding: 8px;", "") TextMobile(#TrackBarInfo, "", #PB_Mobile_Left) ImageMobile(#PB_Any, ImageID(0), #PB_Mobile_Center) SwitchMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Right) CloseMobileContainer() EndIf CloseMobileContainer() EndIf AddListMobileItem(#List, "", #PB_Mobile_Tappable | #PB_Mobile_Container) CheckBoxMobile(#CheckBox, "Click me !", #PB_Mobile_Left) CloseMobileContainer() AddListMobileItem(#List, "Options", #PB_Mobile_Header) If AddListMobileItem(#List, "", #PB_Mobile_Tappable | #PB_Mobile_Container) OptionMobile(#Option1, "Red", "Colors", #PB_Mobile_Left) CloseMobileContainer() EndIf If AddListMobileItem(#List, "", #PB_Mobile_Tappable | #PB_Mobile_Container) OptionMobile(#Option2, "Green", "Colors", #PB_Mobile_Left) CloseMobileContainer() EndIf If AddListMobileItem(#List, "", #PB_Mobile_Tappable | #PB_Mobile_Container) OptionMobile(#Option3, "Blue", "Colors", #PB_Mobile_Left) CloseMobileContainer() EndIf AddListMobileItem(#List, "Tappable item", #PB_Mobile_Tappable) AddListMobileItem(#List, "Chevron item", #PB_Mobile_Chevron | #PB_Mobile_Tappable) AddListMobileItem(#List, "No Divider", #PB_Mobile_Header) AddListMobileItem(#List, "Item 1", #PB_Mobile_NoDivider) AddListMobileItem(#List, "Item 2", #PB_Mobile_NoDivider) AddListMobileItem(#List, "Long Divider", #PB_Mobile_Header) AddListMobileItem(#List, "Item 3", #PB_Mobile_LongDivider) AddListMobileItem(#List, "Item 4", #PB_Mobile_LongDivider) AddListMobileItem(#List, "Item 5", #PB_Mobile_LongDivider) HtmlMobile("<br/>") ListMobile(#ListInSet, #PB_Mobile_InSet) AddListMobileItem(#ListInSet, "InSet", #PB_Mobile_Header) AddListMobileItem(#ListInSet, "Item", #PB_Mobile_NoDivider) AddListMobileItem(#ListInSet, "Item 2", #PB_Mobile_NoDivider) HtmlMobile("<br/>") CloseMobileContainer() EndIf ; Template page 2 for the TabBar ; If ContainerMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Template, "", "tab2") TextMobile(#PB_Any, "Page 2", #PB_Mobile_Center) SwitchMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Right) CloseMobileContainer() EndIf ; Template page 3 for the TabBar ; If ContainerMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Template, "", "tab3") TextMobile(#PB_Any, "Page 3", #PB_Mobile_Center) InputMobile(#PB_Any, "place !", "Initial text", #PB_Mobile_Search) CloseMobileContainer() EndIf ; Template page 4 for the TabBar ; If ContainerMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Template, "padding-top:8px", "tab4") ListMobile(#ListInSet2, #PB_Mobile_InSet) AddListMobileItem(#ListInSet2, "InSet", #PB_Mobile_Header) AddListMobileItem(#ListInSet2, "Item 1", #PB_Mobile_NoDivider) AddListMobileItem(#ListInSet2, "Item 2", #PB_Mobile_NoDivider) CloseMobileContainer() EndIf ; This is the main page where all the components are added ; If ContainerMobile(#PB_Any, #PB_Mobile_Page, "", "") ; A top toolbar ; ToolBarMobile(#ToolBar) ButtonMobile(#ToolBarRightButton, "Right", #PB_Mobile_Right) TextMobile(#PB_Any, "SpiderBasic App", #PB_Mobile_Center) ButtonMobile(#ToolBarLeftButton, "Left", #PB_Mobile_Left) CloseMobileContainer() TabBarMobile(#TabBar) AddTabBarMobileItem(#TabBar, "", "md-face", "md-face", "tab1") AddTabBarMobileItem(#TabBar, "Info", "", "", "tab2") AddTabBarMobileItem(#TabBar, "Params", "md-settings", "md-settings", "tab3", 10) AddTabBarMobileItem(#TabBar, "List", "md-settings", "md-settings", "tab4") CloseMobileContainer() CloseMobileContainer() EndIf Procedure MobileEvents() Debug "#Mobile: "+EventMobile() + " - EventType: " + EventType() + " - EventData: " + EventData() Select EventMobile() Case #OpenDialogButton ShowMobile(#Dialog, #True) Case #CloseDialogButton ShowMobile(#Dialog, #False) Case #OpenPopOverButton ShowMobile(#PopOver, #True, #OpenPopOverButton) Case #ClosePopOverButton ShowMobile(#PopOver, #False) Case #AddRowButton AddListMobileItem(#List, "New row (random: "+Random(20000)+")", #PB_Mobile_LongDivider) Case #TrackBar SetMobileText(#TrackBarInfo, Str(GetMobileState(#TrackBar))) Case #TabBar Debug "Tab changed: "+GetMobileState(#TabBar) Case #GoToTab3 SetMobileState(#TabBar, 3) Case #ToolBarLeftButton Debug "NbBadges on tab2: " + GetMobileAttribute(#TabBar, "badge", 2) SetMobileAttribute(#TabBar, "badge", Str(Random(9)), 2) EndSelect EndProcedure BindEvent(#PB_Event_Mobile, @MobileEvents()) |
Splitter example
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Navigator example
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Time to raise the major version to 3.00 as we successfully added a built-in WebView in the IDE and an integrated debugger ! All the libraries have now a debug runtime check and if an error is detected, the correct line/file in the IDE will be highlighted, like in PureBasic. The debugger is still very scarce (no dynamic breakpoint, stop/step/continue) but it is actually working and should ease a lot the development.
The WebView is a tool, so you can either embed it in the right panel or in a separate window. If the WebView tool isn't activated (removed from the panel and not displayed), then the default browser is used as usual. The Debug output window is now also handled by the IDE when the WebView is used. SaveDebugOutput() and CopyDebugOutput() commands have been added.
Here is a screenshot in action:
The WebView is a tool, so you can either embed it in the right panel or in a separate window. If the WebView tool isn't activated (removed from the panel and not displayed), then the default browser is used as usual. The Debug output window is now also handled by the IDE when the WebView is used. SaveDebugOutput() and CopyDebugOutput() commands have been added.
Here is a screenshot in action:
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