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PureBasic 6.10 beta 9 est disponible sur votre compte

Le , par comtois


4  0 
2024-03-22: beta 9 is out for testing, it will be hopefully the last beta before final ! It brings the following changes and bug fixes:
  • Optimized: SoundVolume() and MusicVolume() changed from integer to float so fractional values are accepted for better precision.
  • Changed: removed 'link.exe' from the Windows package and went back to 'polink.exe' (link.exe is not freely redistrituable).
Citation Envoyé par Fred
I will remove the automatic path detection for link as it's not robust enough and I will add back the support for a vc/ directory in the compiler folder (so you will be able to copy link and its DLL if needed).
Citation Envoyé par Fred
I just pushed a new build for windows (x86 and x64), feel free to download it again it should fix the reported issues.
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