Petite correction : gcc ne va pas remplacer Fasm, les 2 seront maintenus. Cependant j'imagine que si PureBasic devait fonctionner pour un nouveau processeur, Fred ne développera pas une version ASM, dans ce cas il faudra compiler avec gcc. à suivre ...
Liste des téléchargements disponibles pour la version 6.0 :
- Download PureBasic 6.00 for Windows (x86)
- Download PureBasic 6.00 for Windows (x64)
- Download PureBasic 6.00 for Linux (Debian 10 - x86)
- Download PureBasic 6.00 for Linux (Ubuntu 18.04 - x64)
- Download PureBasic 6.00 for Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 - x64)
- Download PureBasic 6.00 for MacOS X (x64)
- Download PureBasic 6.00 for MacOS X (M1 - arm64)
- Download PureBasic 6.00 Beta 8 for Raspberry (Raspberry OS - arm32)
- Download PureBasic 6.00 Beta 8 for Raspberry (Raspberry OS - arm64)
Hello Everybody,
After months of development, we are very proud to release the next generation of PureBasic ! As shared on the blog (https://blog.purebasic.com), we added a new C backend to solve the problem of new CPU architectures.
For now, only the Windows x64 version is available for testing. It's an alpha-version, so don't expect your big programs to compile and run fawlessly on it. The main purpose for now is to squash all the remaining bugs (and it will have probably a ton) to have the C backend at the same level than the current ASM backend. For this, we opened a new specific forum to report C related backend.
How to proceed:
- In the IDE, add a new compiler (File -> Preferences -> Compiler -> Choose 'pbcompilerc' file with the file requester -> Add). It should now appear in the list. In the 'Compiler options', you should be able to select it in the combobox.
- Compile a small program. If something is wrong, try to reduce the faulty code to the smallest snippet and post it in the bug forum.
- Also please test your large programs with the regular ASM backend compiler to ensures everything still work, as we modified a lot of code in it as well.
C Backend limitations:
New stuffs:
- Added /OPTIMIZER flag to the commandline, and a 'Use code optimizer' checkbox in IDE 'Compiler Options' to turn on C optimizations
- Added #PB_Compiler_32Bit, #PB_Compiler_64Bit and #PB_Processor_C constants
Don't hesitate to play with it and send you feedback ! Of course, don't use it in production, it's an alpha version and could lead to disastrous bugs.
You can download it on your online account.
Have fun !
The Fantaisie Software Team
After months of development, we are very proud to release the next generation of PureBasic ! As shared on the blog (https://blog.purebasic.com), we added a new C backend to solve the problem of new CPU architectures.
For now, only the Windows x64 version is available for testing. It's an alpha-version, so don't expect your big programs to compile and run fawlessly on it. The main purpose for now is to squash all the remaining bugs (and it will have probably a ton) to have the C backend at the same level than the current ASM backend. For this, we opened a new specific forum to report C related backend.
How to proceed:
- In the IDE, add a new compiler (File -> Preferences -> Compiler -> Choose 'pbcompilerc' file with the file requester -> Add). It should now appear in the list. In the 'Compiler options', you should be able to select it in the combobox.
- Compile a small program. If something is wrong, try to reduce the faulty code to the smallest snippet and post it in the bug forum.
- Also please test your large programs with the regular ASM backend compiler to ensures everything still work, as we modified a lot of code in it as well.
C Backend limitations:
- No Label address in datasection (?Label)
- No Label operation in 'Debug' output window
- No DLL creation support (in progress)
- Empty Structure are not supported (may be add a compiler error on PB side ?)
- Float to long rounding are not exactly the same (use bankerrounding)
- No Label operation in 'Debug' output window
- No DLL creation support (in progress)
- Empty Structure are not supported (may be add a compiler error on PB side ?)
- Float to long rounding are not exactly the same (use bankerrounding)
- Added /OPTIMIZER flag to the commandline, and a 'Use code optimizer' checkbox in IDE 'Compiler Options' to turn on C optimizations
- Added #PB_Compiler_32Bit, #PB_Compiler_64Bit and #PB_Processor_C constants
You can download it on your online account.
Have fun !
The Fantaisie Software Team
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