- Rubrique PureBasic

Le Club des Développeurs et IT Pro

PureBasic 4.60 bêta 2 est disponible

Cette version corrige la bibliothèque 3D.

Le 2011-04-11 09:48:20, par comtois, Responsable Purebasic
La PB Team vient de sortir une nouvelle bêta qui corrige les problèmes de la bibliothèque 3D avec les systèmes 64 bits.

Une autre bêta va suivre rapidement, elle corrigera d'autres bogues.

Pour plus d'informations sur cette version voir ici.

Hi there,

This is the second beta of the forthcoming 4.60 version, available on your online account. We don't have fixed all the reported bugs, but it's in progress. Some of the bugs marked as [Done] in the forum should be corrected. For more informations about the 4.60 version, see this topic:

Edit: actually only a few bugs fixes are included in this release (mainly x64 version of OGRE was completely broken, and the SpecialEffect lib was missing). Another beta will quickly follow with other fixes.

Don't hesitate to report bugs to have the best final version possible !

Have fun,

The Fantaisie Software Team.
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