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PureBasic 5.72 LTS est sorti

Le , par comtois


4  0 
Une nouvelle version est disponible sur votre compte (pour l'instant y'a un problème pour télécharger, va falloir attendre que Fred règle le problème).
Voir ci-dessous la liste des bogues corrigés.


A new bug fix version of PureBasic is available for testing on your account ! Fixed bug list:

Bugfixes for this version:

Windows: [Done] 5.71 beta 1 DesktopScaledX/Y with negative arguments
Windows: [Done] PB 5.70 - DesktopScaled Bug
Windows: [Done] Pow mistake PB 5.10/b11-64 - win7/8-64
Windows: [Done] PB 5.70 HTTPMemory()
Windows: [Done] pbcompiler.exe has problems with UTF8 encoded files
Windows: [Done] Crippeld Proporties
Windows: [Done] PB5.71b2 Wrong Font Size/Scaling in Tab & Panels
Windows: [Done] Remember #Null$ Bug since v5.70
Windows: [Done] Error message compiler crash ...
Windows: [Done] PB 5.21 64b Bug RotateSprite sub Dx11
Windows: [Done] WindowedScreen problem after #WM_THEMECHANGED
Windows: [Done] Device Lost when LogOff
Windows: [Done] PB 5.20 LTS OpenWindowedScreen()
Windows: [Done] PB 5.42 / 5.50b1 DirectX9/11 Surface Lost
Windows: [Done] 3D Engine - Physics got slower in v5.50/v5.51
Windows: [Done] Starting Task Manager causes CPU usage to go to 50%
Windows: [Done] Windowed Screen and CTRL-ALT-DEL
Windows: [Done] Windows Lock-Screen causes invalid Drawing Buffer.
Windows: [Done] XML dialog align
Windows: [Done] Dialog - wrong width-calculation for '&' (= '&')
Windows: [Done] 'align' fails with hbox / vbox in OpenXMLDialog()
Windows: [Done] Dialog, hbox - expand and align is ignored
Windows: [Done] Gadgets inside Canvas Container
Windows: [Done] font size problem with DPI scaling compiler option
Windows: [Done] RGB() with DX11 = BGR
Windows: [Done] Affichage d'une image pb520
Windows: [Done] GrabDrawingImage make vertical mirroring output
Windows: [Done] ComboBox, ExplorerCombo resizing and DPI aware issue
Windows: [Done] PB562 More problems in mixing floats with integers
Windows: [Done] Win XP image problems
Windows: [Done] Sign() has to return an integer result
Windows: [Done] Structures LARGE_INTEGER, ULARGE_INTEGER
Windows: [Done] /PREPROCESS doesn't like ASM inside Macros
Windows: [Done] With - EndWith bug when using /PREPROCESS
Windows: [Done] ScintillaGadget HiDPI
Windows: [Done] Function Space does not free memory
Windows: [Done] SetGadgetFont doesn't work with IPAddress in dialogs
Windows: [Done] PB5.71 IDE No longer DPI Aware
Windows: [Done] Static multi-dimensional array in Procedure.
Windows: [Done] Syntax error not recognized.
Windows: [Done] Dialog container >16 columns don't work
Windows: [Done] Dialog - GridBox shows a maximum of 15 Columns.
Windows: [Done] SizeOf for Interfaces - Compiler crash
Windows: [Done] Lists in Structure not aligned with x64
Windows: [Done] How to make ArraySize() bulletproof?
Linux: [Done] PB-IDE: No automatic update notification
MacOS: [Done] SplitterGadget: #PB_Splitter_SecondFixed causes crash
MacOS: [Done] 5.46 LTS Illegal instruction: 4 on Catalina (Fred?)

This list was created automatically. All updated bug threads from the date of the last final version have been determined.

Have fun,

The Fantaisie Software Team

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