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PureBasic 5.72 LTS beta 2 est disponible sur votre compte

Le , par comtois


3  0 
Nouvelle beta dispo sur votre compte, voir détail ci-dessous :

The beta 2 is available on your account. It brings some more update (especially statically linked libs which wasn't updated since a long time) and bug fixes

  • Added #PB_HTTP_Headers to HTTPInfo() to get the headers
  • Added #PB_HTTP_HeadersOnly to HTTPRequest() to only request the headers (GetHTTPHeaders() is now deprecated)
  • Changed: PostEvent() now returns a result as it could fail in some extrem case
  • Changed: Sign() now returns an integer instead of a float.
  • Updated OpenJPEG library to version 2.3.1
  • Updated PCRE library to version 8.44
  • Updated libpng to version 1.6.37
  • Updated libjpeg to version 9d
  • Updated libtiff to version 4.1.0
  • Updated expat to version 2.2.9
  • Updated libflac to version 1.3.3
  • Updated libogg to version 1.3.4
  • Updated libvorbis to version 1.3.6
  • Updated sqlite to version 3.31.1
  • Updated curl to version 7.68.0

Bugfixes for this version:

Windows: [Done] v571 - UseSQLiteDatabase("" ignored.
Windows: [Done] WebGadget SetGadgetItemText unicode encoding issue
Windows: [Done] ResizeWindows unhides window
Windows: [Done] Find in Files
Windows: [Done] SoundLength fail and playback prematurely OggVorbis
Windows: [Done] RegExp library vulnerable
Windows: [Done] HTTRequest UTF-8 HTML file #PB_HTTP_Response
Windows: [Done] PB5.72-B1 SaveImage() - save as JPEG2000 fails
Windows: [Done] Ide - Tooltip for nativ Constants
Windows: [Done] DLL Threaded Global Crashes DLL on Exit
Windows: [Done] Threadsave compiler option
Windows: [Done] DLL compiled for x64 can corrupt the stack of process
Windows: [Done] DLL + Threadsafe (crash on freelibrary_())
Windows: [Done] 4.60 - Thread safe crash my DLL (fred please read ^^)
Windows: [Done] Sign() has to return an integer result
Windows: [Done] SetFrameRate() -> wrong FPS (to high by 1 Hz)
Windows: [Done] ExamineRegularExpressionMatches() doesn't exist
Windows: [Done] datasection compiler crash
Windows: [Done] SetMeshData works only with mesh with FinishMesh(1)
Windows: [Done] 5.21 - No Autostretch (Windowed Screen) with OGRE on
Windows: [Done] OpenWindowedScreen() and AutoStretch in Ogre
Windows: [Done] PB5.6x - IMA defining static arrays
Windows: [Done] How to keep HyperLinkGadget visible on contrast mode?
Windows: [Done] EditorGadget scrollbar issue after resizing
Windows: [Done] RemoveGadgetItem()
Windows: [Done] EditorGadget - RemoveGadgetItem bug
Windows: [Done] CreateImage() Depth Parameter Fallback
Windows: [Done] Process hangs when OpenLibrary() is called twice
Windows: [Done] PB 5.22 LTS - Bug with terrains physicsbody
Windows: [Done] AttachEntityObject() No Bones? No Attachments
Windows: [Done] PB5.50 Physics Performance
Windows: [Done] Stationary particles (all PB versions)
Windows: [Done] ResizeImage and GIF
Linux: [Done] DisableWindow interferes with resizable
Linux: [Done] IDE not resizable after compilation
Linux: [Done] PB 5.71 x64 "Display Hex values" and MemoryViewer
MacOS: [Done] Editor Gadget and AddGadgetItme with -1 option
MacOS: [Done] #PB_Canvas_Container on Dialog
MacOS: [Done] DesktopScaled[X/Y] calculation bug
MacOS: [Done] GrabDrawingImage crash PB - overwrite memory PB560
MacOS: [Done] GrabDrawingImage Bug - tested x64 Sierra PB561
MacOS: [Done] 5.71 Multiple GrabDrawingImage problem
MacOS: [Done] SetFrameRate() causes stutter
MacOS: [Done] PB 5.50 / 5.51 TreeGadget with SetGadgetFont()
MacOS: [Done] RightClick in ListIconGadget inside a FrameGadget
MacOS: [Done] pb v5.45 Help isn't shown in ToolsPanel
MacOS: [Done] Rotated sprites will not be displayed on screen edge
MacOS: [Done] PB5.20 WindowEvent() #PB_Event_Menu and keyboard-lib
MacOS: [Done] PB5.11x64 Drawing in Fullscreen/Unicode
MacOS: [Done] Webgadget does not allow links with blank target?
MacOS: [Done] 5.43 - WaitThread() causes IMA (after minutes/hours)
MacOS: [Done] Tools
MacOS: [Done] CopyFile() and CopyDirectory() with .app files
MacOS: [Done] ExplorerListGadget and #PB_Explorer_ColumnWidth
MacOS: [Done] DyLib Linker Error
MacOS: [Done] Spaces in compiler-path and creating a dylib
MacOS: [Done] Bug with fixed string
MacOS: [Done] Data section in a dylib fails -ever -PB560
MacOS: [Done] 5.46 LTS x64 Linker error with DataSection and dylib
MacOS: [Done] 64 bit dylib creation
MacOS: [Done] SetGadgetFont(#Gadget, #PB_Default) don't work
MacOS: [Done] (PB 5.71 + PB v5.72b1) Big Font StringGadget Bug
MacOS: [Done] Right-clicks
MacOS: [Done] 5.46 XIncludeFile trying to include multiple times?
MacOS: [Done] CopyDirectory does not copy permissions
MacOS: [Done] Remove Image from ImageGadget font work
MacOS: [Done] 5.7.1 ComputerName() returns cryptic strings...

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