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PureBasic : IDE open source

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Je ne traduis pas, votre anglais est meilleur que le mien, mais pour résumer vous pouvez télécharger les sources de l'IDE de PureBasic.

N'hésitez pas à partager les améliorations que vous pourriez apporter à l'IDE.

Hi folks,

Some of you asked to OpenSource none criticals components of PureBasic to be able to patch them and improve them, and here is the first shot ! We are happy to announce than the IDE is now OpenSource and can be accessed it in the main github repository here:

Anyone is welcome to clone it, to analyze the code, write improvement or even only for curiosity ! If you want, you can also create pull request to have your change included in the main package (all pull requests won't be accepted, it will be analyzed and kept on case by case basis).

Be warned, be able to compile it isn't straight forward and need some understanding of the build chain (VC++, UnxTools, env var, etc.). Needed info are sum up in the BUILD.txt file.

Have fun !

The Fantaisie Software Team
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Responsable Purebasic
Le 10/12/2019 à 21:19
Pour ceux qui auraient des difficultés pour compiler le code source (malgré une lecture attentive du fichier, vous trouverez des réponses ici :

Pour compiler pour OSX ou Linux, Fred a fait une mise à jour :

I just pushed a new version with the OSX-x64.bash file which is needed to build the IDE on OSX. For linux it should be the same, instead of PB_COCOA=1, you should put PB_GTK=2 IIRC.

To use the OSX-x64.bash file:

1) edit it, and replace the PUREBASIC_HOME with a valid purebasic dir
2) in bash, type:
. ./OSX-x64.bash

It should setup all the needed things to compile the IDE.
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