- Rubrique PureBasic

Le Club des Développeurs et IT Pro

SpiderBasic 2.30 beta 1 est disponible sur votre compte

Le 2019-11-15 16:44:42, par comtois, Responsable Purebasic
La version 2.30 beta 1 est disponible sur votre compte.

Hello everyone !

The new beta version of SpiderBasic is available on your online account:

- Added: MessageRequester(), InputRequester()
- Added: DeviceAlwaysOn(), DeviceBrightness()
- Added: #PB_Window_AllowSelection flag to OpenWindow() to allow to select gadget text for copy/paste
- Added: LoadScript() to load an external JS script for use in the program
- Added: #PB_Canvas_Container flag to CanvasGadget()
- Added: CloseDebugOutput() to close the debug output window
- Added: SDK example for LibraryMaker to create your own user libraries
- Added: UserLibraries support (directory SpiderBasic/Libraries/UserLibraries)
- Added: #PB_Font_Italic and #PB_Font_Bold support for LoadFont()
- Updated: GetWindowTitle() now works with windows with #PB_Window_BorderLess flag
- Updated: android framework to android-29 to be able to still publish app on Google PlayStore

Don't hesitate to give it a try so we can fix the new commands if some issues arise !

Have fun,

The Fantaisie Software Team
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