Voici la liste des nouveautés :
- Added: Accelerometer library
- Added: Geolocation library
- Added: InAppPurchase support for iOS
- Added: BatteryLevel(), DeviceInfo(), VibrateDevice()
- Added: #PB_String_PlaceHolder flag to StringGadget() to set a placeholder at creation
- Added: #PB_Event_SizeDesktop event to monitor a desktop resize without having a background window
- Added: ResizeScreen() to resize an already created screen
- Added: Cordova command can be executed via Import/EndImport
- Added: Android app is immediately run on the device once deployed
- Changed: reworked the InAppPurchase library
- Changed: switched from crosswalk to cordova on Windows for Android. NOTE: cordova requires internet connection to build an app.
- Optimized: Android app size is now much smaller (1,5 MB instead of 20 MB)
- Removed: TouchRadiusX() and TouchRadiusY() as it was only working on FireFox
- Fixed: some compiler and library bugs
- Added: Geolocation library
- Added: InAppPurchase support for iOS
- Added: BatteryLevel(), DeviceInfo(), VibrateDevice()
- Added: #PB_String_PlaceHolder flag to StringGadget() to set a placeholder at creation
- Added: #PB_Event_SizeDesktop event to monitor a desktop resize without having a background window
- Added: ResizeScreen() to resize an already created screen
- Added: Cordova command can be executed via Import/EndImport
- Added: Android app is immediately run on the device once deployed
- Changed: reworked the InAppPurchase library
- Changed: switched from crosswalk to cordova on Windows for Android. NOTE: cordova requires internet connection to build an app.
- Optimized: Android app size is now much smaller (1,5 MB instead of 20 MB)
- Removed: TouchRadiusX() and TouchRadiusY() as it was only working on FireFox
- Fixed: some compiler and library bugs
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