Avec la version 2.0, il est désormais possible de créer des applications pour le web, android et iOS (MacOS version). Parmi les nouveautés, il faut noter également l'ajout de la bibliothèque InAppPurchase (seulement pour android).
Liste des nouveautés :
5th december 2016 : Version 2.00
- Added: Android App support (Windows version only)
- Added: iOS App creation support (MacOS version only)
- Added: InAppPurchase library (Android only)
- Added: new 'Create App' window in the IDE to ease the app creation
- Added: app name field for WebApp
- Added: default browser choice in Preferences -> Compiler
- Added: too old browser detection when launching an app
- Added: a lot of switch to the commandline compiler to support mobile app
- Added: custom headers support to HttpRequest()
- Added: #PB_Text_VerticalCenter flag to TextGadget()
- Added: touch support to window dragging and resizing
- Added: IsScreenActive()
- Optimized: reduced greatly DOJO footprint for much faster app loading
- Optimized: minified most of the spiderlibraries dependencies to reduce footprint
- Updated: DOJO to lastest 1.11.2 version
- Changed: Moved the old 'Export' panel to new 'Create App' window
- Changed: OSX compiler is now bundled in the main SpiderBasic app for easier installation
- Changed: New dmg for OSX for drag'n'drop install to support Sierra
- Changed: Examples on Windows are now installed in 'common app' folder to avoid permission issues
- Fixed: Many bug fixes
- Added: Android App support (Windows version only)
- Added: iOS App creation support (MacOS version only)
- Added: InAppPurchase library (Android only)
- Added: new 'Create App' window in the IDE to ease the app creation
- Added: app name field for WebApp
- Added: default browser choice in Preferences -> Compiler
- Added: too old browser detection when launching an app
- Added: a lot of switch to the commandline compiler to support mobile app
- Added: custom headers support to HttpRequest()
- Added: #PB_Text_VerticalCenter flag to TextGadget()
- Added: touch support to window dragging and resizing
- Added: IsScreenActive()
- Optimized: reduced greatly DOJO footprint for much faster app loading
- Optimized: minified most of the spiderlibraries dependencies to reduce footprint
- Updated: DOJO to lastest 1.11.2 version
- Changed: Moved the old 'Export' panel to new 'Create App' window
- Changed: OSX compiler is now bundled in the main SpiderBasic app for easier installation
- Changed: New dmg for OSX for drag'n'drop install to support Sierra
- Changed: Examples on Windows are now installed in 'common app' folder to avoid permission issues
- Fixed: Many bug fixes
Comment créer une application android
Comment activer le mode développeur sur un terminal android
Comment signer une application android
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un autre tutoriel en anglais pour la création d'une application android

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