Hi there,
PureBasic 5.50 is now available as beta in your online account ! The most important change is the unicode only compiler. To sum-up, internal string representation are now always in unicode, and if you need to interact with third part libraries, the suggested approach is to use pseudotypes (p-ascii, p-utf8) combined with Import/EndImport or Prototypes. 2 new helpers functions have been added as well to created easily an ASCII or UTF8 buffer from a string: Ascii() and UTF8(). If your program was already compiled with the unicode switch, then nothing will changed for you (if it does, then there is a bug somewhere, don't hesitate to report it). Here is the full list of features:
- Added: Vehicle library to create 3D vehicles with wheels easily
- Added: PickBody() to easily manipulate a 3D body with mouse
- Added: CreateTube(), CreateTorus(), CreateIcoSphere() and CreateCapsule()
- Added: #PB_Entity_PlaneBody, #PB_Entity_ConeBody and #PB_Entity_CompoundBody body type
- Added: AddSubEntity() (see CompoundBody.pb)
- Added: GenericJoint() to create any type of joint
- Added: Bounding box size support to CreateEntityBody()
- Added: RegisterFontFile() to use custom fonts file easily
- Added: PathLength(), PathPointX(), PathPointY(), PathPointAngle()
- Added: PathBoundsX(), PathBoundsY(), PathBoundsWidth(), PathBoundsHeight() to get the bounding box of a path
- Added: PathSegments(), AddPathSegments() to get/set a path in string format
- Added: DebuggerError(), DebuggerWarning(), CloseDebugOutput()
- Added: ResetStructure() which clear and reinitialize a structure buffer
- Added: UTF8() and Ascii() to create easily UTF8 and Ascii string buffers (needs to be freed with FreeMemory())
- Added: FormatNumber() to have money like formatted numbers easily
- Added: @#StringConstant$ syntax support, to get the address of a string constant
- Added: #PB_MessageRequester_Info, #PB_MessageRequester_Error and #PB_MessageRequester_Warning for MessageRequester()
- Changed: ParticleVelocity() to support current velocity.
- Removed: ASCII mode for internal PureBasic string representation, PureBasic is now unicode only.
As every beta, only the english doc is up to date for now, so be sure to use it if you want to have more info about new commands.
Have fun !
PureBasic 5.50 is now available as beta in your online account ! The most important change is the unicode only compiler. To sum-up, internal string representation are now always in unicode, and if you need to interact with third part libraries, the suggested approach is to use pseudotypes (p-ascii, p-utf8) combined with Import/EndImport or Prototypes. 2 new helpers functions have been added as well to created easily an ASCII or UTF8 buffer from a string: Ascii() and UTF8(). If your program was already compiled with the unicode switch, then nothing will changed for you (if it does, then there is a bug somewhere, don't hesitate to report it). Here is the full list of features:
- Added: Vehicle library to create 3D vehicles with wheels easily
- Added: PickBody() to easily manipulate a 3D body with mouse
- Added: CreateTube(), CreateTorus(), CreateIcoSphere() and CreateCapsule()
- Added: #PB_Entity_PlaneBody, #PB_Entity_ConeBody and #PB_Entity_CompoundBody body type
- Added: AddSubEntity() (see CompoundBody.pb)
- Added: GenericJoint() to create any type of joint
- Added: Bounding box size support to CreateEntityBody()
- Added: RegisterFontFile() to use custom fonts file easily
- Added: PathLength(), PathPointX(), PathPointY(), PathPointAngle()
- Added: PathBoundsX(), PathBoundsY(), PathBoundsWidth(), PathBoundsHeight() to get the bounding box of a path
- Added: PathSegments(), AddPathSegments() to get/set a path in string format
- Added: DebuggerError(), DebuggerWarning(), CloseDebugOutput()
- Added: ResetStructure() which clear and reinitialize a structure buffer
- Added: UTF8() and Ascii() to create easily UTF8 and Ascii string buffers (needs to be freed with FreeMemory())
- Added: FormatNumber() to have money like formatted numbers easily
- Added: @#StringConstant$ syntax support, to get the address of a string constant
- Added: #PB_MessageRequester_Info, #PB_MessageRequester_Error and #PB_MessageRequester_Warning for MessageRequester()
- Changed: ParticleVelocity() to support current velocity.
- Removed: ASCII mode for internal PureBasic string representation, PureBasic is now unicode only.
As every beta, only the english doc is up to date for now, so be sure to use it if you want to have more info about new commands.
Have fun !
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